Honeyeater migration
I have been away for 3 weeks. Before I left
there had been a increase in the numbers of honeyeaters around our house - a
few Yellow-faced and White-napes honeyeaters and Red Wattlebirds.
Yesterday I saw several groups of approx 20 YFHE moving with purpose coming from
the north east. A Noisy Friarbird was calling and seen along the
Local bird list.
Martin Butterfield writes a bird column for a
local monthly newsletter in our area. The column is enjoyed by many local
residents. Several birdwatchers send him their observations. As I have been home
only a few days this month I was surprised I had managed to see 69 species. The
most notable are -
Nesting Fairy Martins
Nesting White-browed
Australasian Shelduck
Rufous Songlark
European Goldfinch
Brown Falcon
Southern Whiteface
White-necked Heron
Migrating honeyeaters
Cheers Julienne