
Little Ravens in KNP - Guthega area

To: <>
Subject: Little Ravens in KNP - Guthega area
From: "casburnj" <>
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 15:18:27 +1000

During the past two weeks – I have sighted many of these starting to prepare nests in and around the lodges and along the Guthega road.  The weather has been mostly fairly mild but with some very cold nights (-10) occasionally.  Snow on the ground is getting very thin.  It will be interesting to see what changes if snow falls before next week end and into the following weeks.


The only other birds I have seen up there are Currawongs, some Superb Wrens and a few Crimson Rosellas. I don’t remember seeing any Magpies.





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  • Little Ravens in KNP - Guthega area, casburnj <=

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