Getting near the end here. Three more graphically-recalled
moments. Our party, projecting its usual dignity and good spirits,
standing on the footbridge over Bang-bang Creek. It was not entirely
clear then, or now, why we were on the footbridge over Bang-bang Creek, or even
why there was a need for a footbridge over Bang-bang Creek, but it was a pleasant
enough spot. Next, what I thought was an unusual moth snapped in the
weedy growth beside the disused rail line at Koorawatha. This failed to
arouse any excitement when I produced it to the group while it was taking a
rest from footbridge-walking in what might JUST be called, without too much
violence to the language, the BEER GARDEN of the Koorawatha Hotel. John
and Kathy, quick on the draw with their near-at-hand Field Guide to
Australian Moths, showed this to be a boringly common sp.
Exhibit C is one of your smaller Australian marsupials
snapped in the dim light of early morning as it scurried over fallen dead
limbs in a shady pool in the creek-bed behind our camp.
![bridge J.jpg](jpggFAXEOaEiC.jpg)