The SC Cockatoos, Galahs and assorted Corellas appear to have resolved
the interspecific tensions of early summer and formed large mixed
flocks. Chinese Pistachio fruit, Chinese Elm mast and E.blakeleyi buds
are providing the main forage. Some of the local bird feeders have
also attracted large numbers. They make a continuous cacophony that
has me running outside to look for intruders almost every 5 minutes!
Red-browed Finch numbers are increasing here, matching Con's earlier
report, and today a White-throated Treecreeper made a brief appearance
in our Yellow Box.
An Australian Shellduck flew over late this afternoon, heading towards
the Lake Burley Griffin basin, thereby adding itself to our list of
garden bird anomalies.
Several hundred fruit bats fly over each evening, heading northwest.
Among the hordes of Grey-headed are small numbers of Little Red Flying
Fox. It seems incredible to see such numbers in Canberra.