Last night, at about 2am, I was woken by an owl
calling outside, not the normal 'boo-book' call but much slower and deeper, a
two-toned hoo-hoo, the second note slightly higher - a call I normally associate
with a Powerful Owl. Now, a more committed birder than I may have leapt out of
bed and gone prowling the suburb of Cook armed with high-powered torch, camera
and/or sound-recording equipment, but.... I value my sleep and drifted back to
it when the calling stopped after about 10 minutes.
I might go prowling the suburb today, or at least
Wybalena Grove, looking for a suitable roost tree - it would be a good addition
to the GBS. Or maybe it is just a commuter bird from the Gardens - it's less
than 4km as the owl flies, depending whether you go straight over Black Mt or
Maybe anyone who lives in the vicinity could keep a
window open at night in case it calls again.
Nicki Taws
02 6251 0303 0408 210