From: Margaret Leggoe [
Sent: Friday, 10 July 2009 5:12 PM
Subject: Ravens' nest
A pair of Australian ravens are building a nest on Farrer
Ridge. Today they were bringing both twigs and mouthfuls of grass.
Both birds are fetching and building. Mostly they return to the nest one
at a time, but on a couple of occasions they were at the nest together, and
then they left one after the other.
Location: Farrer Ridge. Enter through the gate
near the Sulwood/Sainsbury roundabout. Turn right and walk about 30
metres before crossing the man-made ditch. Proceed towards the ridge,
keeping the natural creek bed on your left. The tree is about 100 metres
(perhaps a little more) from the ditch on the eastern side of the natural creek
bed. It is a large old gum tree having a spreading appearance something
like an oak tree. There is a natural depression in the ground just to the
north-west of the tree in which one can sit and recline in comfort whilst
observing the construction works.
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