Dear All,
I was surprised this morning to hear and see a large flock of Little Corellas on the boundary between Dunlop and Macgregor where Ginnindera Creek flows out from Macgregor. There were in excess of 50 corellas with probably around 30 Sulphur-crests mixed in with the general crowd. The flock spent some time in a couple of deciduous trees just in Macgregor and quite a bit of time loafing aorund on the pylons and the wires. I've seen a couple of Little Corellas around in Macgregor from time to time - but nothing like this number of birds. I was wondering if this was possibly a nomadic flock that has reached the outskirts of town ???? (maybe just a gathering of the feral-clans ????).
Anybody any thoughts or similar observations.
Pete Christian
PS Yesterday I had 4 Brown Quail by the Jeramlee Pond and a Great White Egret and White-necked Heron up on West Belco Pond. Is anybody else regulalrly checking out the West Belco Pond ?
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