I have decided that when I die I shall return as a woman! The reason being that I shall be able to go Birdwatching with impunity. Yes,Yes ladies I know I shall be subject to abuse,cruelty,bashed, ravished, along with a million of horrible things done to me by 99.9% ( according to women's magazine statistics) of these horrible men,but the benefit of all these atrocities will be that I will able to get away with "hormonal" murder and still keep the house and contents and of course, twitching. The decision reached to-day was brought about because while doing one of my regular visit to Warden Head, I met a old friend who has lived in Ulladulla for yonks. While having a bit of a yak to him I was informed that, this actual spot was a renowned area for the Ulladulla Branch of the Lonely Hearts Club (Men Only division) He had no sooner told me when a patrolling Police car passed by, giving me a suspicious look and of course when I thought of how many times I must have been seen there on my own. Well! I excused myself in my best baritone voice and high tailed ( possibly wrong choice of words) out of there but while doing so I started to think of where, under no circumstances, should a single male, with binoculars, be seen.
1- It is not advisable to be near a Bank, possible felon and casing the joint.
2- Near a Power, Police, Railway Station, possible terrorist.
3- On the beach on a sunny day. Possible, no, definite pervert.
4- Any school at your peril
5- kinde don't even think about it
6-Warden Head. Ulladulla. 2 km exclusion zone or the bag over the head trick
So, alas! You can see there isn't many options left for a male birdo going solo
Bob Rusk
PS-I personally was hoping to try #3 but the wife has vetoed that one.
PSS- I am now in deep prayer in the hope I never get lonely