Denis, there has been a lone Major Mitchell
Cockatoo on the Southside for about 6 years now, apart from an unexplained
absence of about 20 months a couple of years ago. Though it flies freely
and has survived in the wild for quite some time, it has generally been thought
of as an aviary escapee,
It is regularly seen accompanying the
Sulphur-cresteds and sometimes Corellas (but not Galahs) in the
Chapman/Duffy area, though I haven't seen it for a few weeks, which might be
explained by their being seen around Deakin.
However, I've never seen more than one together,
though occasionally I've suspected there to be two from separate sightings
within quick relatively succession.
There have been reports of breeding activity,
including on this chat line, but usually in association with a
sulphur-crested. On a number of occasions I have seen the bird very
noisily inspecting nest holes in gums at the end of Kathner St,
The sighting of up to 4 birds together is a new
development, and unclear whether the result of an influx or a breeding
event, though more likely the former.
Jack Holland