
[Fwd: CSE seminar - Fri 18/1 - Tara Martin - Smart decision-making

Subject: [Fwd: CSE seminar - Fri 18/1 - Tara Martin - Smart decision-making for endangered species conservation ...]
From: "Canberra Ornithologists Group Inc." <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:10:17 +1100 (EST)

Friday Seminar -  18 January 2008


Smart decision-making for endangered species conservation
From migratory birds to abalone & sea otters


Tara Martin 
Postdoctoral Fellow 
Centre for Applied Conservation Research,
University  of British Columbia


Time: 3.30 pm

Venue: Caughley Seminar Room, Gungahlin Homestead (location details below)


Abstract below, pdf notice attached


Abstract :   How do we manage two threatened species that eat each other? Where should we protect habitat for species which migrate across multiple political borders? These are the types of complex questions that conservation management agencies must respond. Ecological research has contributed vast amounts of theory on how to manage ecosystems and populations in the face of human impacts. Far less effort has been invested in translating this theory into decision tools for practical use by policy makers and land use managers. Drawing from decision-theory, economics, ecology and artificial intelligence research, I present two examples of how to translate ecological research into decision making tools. The first example investigates the challenge of allocating habitat for migratory species conservation. The second examines the recovery and management of two endangered species, a predator (sea otter) and its prey (northern abalone).


Location details: The entrance to Gungahlin Homestead is from Bellenden Street (off Barton Highway, approx 500m north of Gungahlin Drive overpass). The visitor car park is to the right of entrance near front of Homestead (Reception).  Bookings not required.   

Enquiries: , or phone Gungahlin reception - ph 6242 1600.





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 Anne Towill | Communication Officer
CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 
'Gungahlin Homestead' 
GPO Box 284, Canberra, ACT, 2601 
T (02) 6242 1608 | F (02) 6242 1536 
CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems website:

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