
Bird Routes of regional NSW [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

To: "Alastair Smith" <>
Subject: Bird Routes of regional NSW [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
From: "martin butterfield" <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 15:25:39 +1100
The use of the phrase "small shock"  was just my usual gift for understatement displaying itself. 
WRT to your candidate spots, my only concern would be the distance involved, and the time required to cover them all in a day.  I would add Coppins Crossing (for Finch Central and Robin Vale) to the list but for a basic list would exclude Warks Road as being too far away and Mulligans Flat as being to far away and not much reliably there that could not be acquired at Campbell Park and/or Newline.
So my route (the one used in the most recent "100 in a Day on a bike" effort) would be:
Start at NGA (to nail the Pied Cormorants on Aspen Island)
Jerrabombera wetlands (Tadorna hide)
Kelly's Swamp
Campbell Park
North shore of LBG (Black Mountain Peninsula, Acacia Inlet etc)
Coppins Crossing
Westbourne Woods
Finish at NGA
On a bike this is about 70kms and would give at least 90+ species in a spring day. 

On Jan 7, 2008 3:09 PM, Alastair Smith <> wrote:


It's not a small shock, it's a colossal omission. I would suggest any ACT bird route would include (in alphabetical order):

Australian National Botanic Gardens

Callum Brae

Campbell Park

Kellys Swamp/FSP

Mulligan's Flat


Warks Road




From: martin butterfield [
Sent: Monday, 7 January 2008 12:52 PM
Cc: m("","canberrabirds");" target="_blank">
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Bird Routes of regional NSW [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


An excellent find Marnix. It is a small shock that there isn't an entry for Canberra - either for car or bike.



On Jan 7, 2008 12:36 PM, <> wrote:

I'm not sure whether anyone is aware of this very useful site/resource. I
found it by accident.

It mentions some areas which some of us visit occasionally - Cowra, Bega,
Bemboka, etc.
I assume it will grow with time as more regional birding organisations add
their brochures to the site.


Marnix Zwankhuizen
Senior Analyst/Programmer
Java Enterprise Technology
IT Branch
Australian Electoral Commission

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