We spent several beautiful warm days based in Bermagui over new years. Some birding highlights were:
- Striated Heron, Reef Egret and Pied & Sooty Oystercatchers in Bemagui Harbour along with the usual curlew and godwits.
- Male Musk Duck and Swamp Harrier at Long Swamp.
- Nesting Hooded Plover (1x), Little Terns (2x) and Red-capped Plover (1x) at Wallaga Lake. Close to 30 Little Terns present.
- Many Figbirds at Bermagui golf course and along the main street as well as in Narooma on the drive down.
- Superb Lyrebird (heard), Wonga Pigeons, Cicadabird, Rufous Fantail, Variegated Fairy-wrens, Black-faced Monarchs etc along the rainforest walk in Bermagui State Forest.
Cheers Marnix