
Scullin birds

Subject: Scullin birds
From: Ian Fraser <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 11:21:32 +1100
>Has anyone heard of cuckoo-shrikes playing host to koels?
The answer is yes, but not me - HANZAB lists both B-f and W-b CSs as known hosts, among a list of others in additon to the most common ones (viz Mag-Larks, Figbirds, friarbirds, Red Wat'birds, miners and Blue-f HEs).

A happy and birdy 2008 A, and to all others out there.


Anthony Overs wrote:

Up until about Christmas day, Superb Parrots were here often, flying over in small groups several times a day. Lost count of them.


We’ve had a koel here every day for the last few weeks, with two birds calling on several occasions. Just this morning my wife saw a female koel fly low over the house giving its ‘wirra-wirra’ call.


Brand new young Red Wattlebirds just out of the nest (no juvenile koels ...).


And a first for me at home, a pair of Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes, and they’ve built a nest in the large eucalypt on the nature strip out the front!




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Ian Fraser, m("","ianf");">
Environment Tours; Vertego Environmental Wordsmithing
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