-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Taylor [
Sent: Tuesday, 4 December 2007 12:02 AM
To: Canberra Birds
Subject: Would swallow? and cuckoos
Philip Veerman wrote:
> OK having seen other's comments, here is another
question. What happens
> with baby cuckoos (non-passerines) being fostered by
passerines. Do they
> still do the same behaviour?
My experience is limited, but I haven't seen this with
Australian cuckoos
- the parents seem too busy trying to satisfy that
insatiable appetite!
While Googling, though, I discovered that Roadrunners are
members of the
cuckoo family (Cuculidae), and like our Pheasant Coucal
the parents
raise their chicks rather than parasitise other
birds. Young Roadrunners
apparently produce fecal sacs, so it seems that this
isn't exclusive to
(The "Acme" company wasn't mentioned.)
Veni, vidi, tici -
I came, I saw, I ticked.
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