
Great Crested Grebe

To: <>
Subject: Great Crested Grebe
From: <>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 00:03:13 +0100

I dipped on the GCG at Lake Burley Griffin on Friday and again at Lake Ginninderra on Monday, despite my brother seeing them only a few hours earlier.  This morning I was walking to work past Acton Park on the shore of LBG, having just admired the resident swan family with five fluffy cygnets, when I saw a form bobbing along on the water beside me.  I thought it was probably a duck or coot but looked anyway and there was a stately GCG almost matching my pace.  We moved side-by-side for at least 200m and it was never more than 10m from the water's edge.  Eventually our paths diverged as it drifted under the bridge and made its way in the general direction of Reconciliation Place.  Ah, the vagaries of birdwatching!

Maurits Zwankhuizen


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  • Great Crested Grebe, Maurits.Zwankhuizen <=

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