Some have asked if there is a best time to see the
White-fronted Honeyeater. On Wednesday I wrote: "it is still focussed
on the Grevillea much of the time but in particular it is in there almost
every day at around about 5. p.m."
Testing my hypothesis: I checked, it was in
there at 5. p.m. yesterday (but I also saw it on each of my several short
tries at about 10, 12, & 2) and two others found it here at about 11. On one
time today it was sitting in the open tree only a metre or so from a
White-plumed Honeyeater, both were busy preening and they took no obvious notice
of each-other.
I've now a list of 46 "birdos" who have seen it.
Still a 100% success rate. Hopefully we can make it to over 50 this
I saw it there again at 11 am today and can hear it
from my study room.