
White-fronted Honeyeater is still in KAMBAH: update

To: <>
Subject: White-fronted Honeyeater is still in KAMBAH: update
From: "Philip Veerman" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 16:32:30 +1000
Am I overdoing this? I think it pretty special. I just returned from Woden and went out to see if the bird was still there. It took under 2 minutes to find the White-fronted Honeyeater again. I watched it for a few minutes and got some more film of it. It seems quite happy to have an observer within about 2 metres. Get much closer and then it flies up to the top of the deciduous trees (where it is actually easier to see but I wouldn't like it disturbed too much) or over the house then comes back a few minutes later. It was calling a lot this time. A low "toc" sound or high rasping call. It is a typical honeyeater, almost constantly moving.
To get there, from my place, go down my driveway off Castley Circuit, past my blue trailer and house, through the tall line of Photinia trees and look to the left for the low Grevillea in my neighbour's front yard. Or go to Hiles Place cul de sac and turn right (west), (away from the park) and walk along the path. My house is the first one that is not on a street frontage and the low Grevillea is on the left. The other house next to it has 3 Chihauhas and one big Malamute or similar dog that bark a lot. Please don't go in people's yards. By the way, my neighbour in whose yard this Grevillea is, are former COG members. The bird is easy to see from the pathway. Sure beats going all the way to Fyshwick (for me at least). I can't make it much easier than that, considering the crowds that attended at Fyshwick. I haven't clued it down though. It has been here for at least 28 hours.
Having written that, I just went out again, it wasn't there but returned within 2 minutes. it sat near the top of a tree and I got some more film. It is hard to hold a video still enough, I thought I better go inside and get out my tripod. I did and whilst I set it up, it was still sitting in the same spot. I got some more minutes of film, this time no shakes (some wind movement) but the bird almost fills the screen, and is in bright light.
Also worth mentioning is that today there was an attendance by one fully blue Satin Bowerbird among many green ones. Geoffrey got a photo of it. Also an unusual observation of eight Australian Ravens doing what appeared to be a territorial border settling discussion.
Philip Veerman
24 Castley Circuit
KAMBAH   ACT  2902
Phone. 02 - 62314041
(M) 0411 716177
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  • White-fronted Honeyeater is still in KAMBAH: update, Philip Veerman <=

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