I agree with Anthony & Alastair in regard
to the Eastern Spinebill which is obvious and unremarkable (nice picture).
Five Spotted Turtle-Doves, if this is in Canberra, it is something I would be
concerned about and they are best gotten rid of. They are looking odd though.
Some appear to have spots at the front of the neck, which is more in fitting
with the Laughing Turtle-Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis). It is
probably an illusion, just ruffled feathers, showing as spots. The Laughing
Turtle-Dove is feral in south western Australia but not known from here and
I don't know how often they are kept in captivity here. If we had both
species here, it would be hard to pick from the photos. Taking the simplest
likely id that they are Spotted Turtle-Doves, at least some of them appear to
be juveniles that don't have the black neck band with the white spots,
so it is probably all one family.