As indicated in the
December 2006 Gang-gang Carol Macleay, who has managed the COG Sales Desk for
over the past 6 years, will not be able to undertake the duties regularly after
the February 2007 meeting, and therefore we are looking for some-one willing and
able to take over this role.
will be happy to do a hand over while passing on her stocks of sales items and
files, and would also be happy to help out occasionally.
If you feel that you can help COG by taking
over this task, please contact Jack Holland (6288 7840 A/H or by E-mail on
including for the list of duties.
On behalf of all members I would like to thank Carol
for having undertaken this significant task so diligently, efficiently and
cheerfully for the past 6 years. After such a long period she can
certainly look forward to handing over the duties. So if you feel you can
help COG in this manner, please contact me.
Jack Holland