Sunday I saw a Wonga Pigeon in the Brindabellas - along Old Mill Road about 1-2
km NE of Bull's Head. It was just wandering casually along the track as I
rounded a bend - pretty typical stuff. This was just after running in to John Goldie and Cathy Walter further
down on Warks Rd near Blundells Ck Rd, who I had just told I didn't think that
Wongas had been recorded in the brindies since the 2003 fires. I have GPS
coordinates but forgot to bring them in this morning.
of interest were 2 pairs of Eastern Whipbirds (if you accept that the
"duetting" of this species represents a pair) both calling from
within about 200 m of each other at a location about 500m up Warks Rd from its
intersection with Blundells Ck Rd; and a lyrebird heard calling there too.
Another (male) lyrebird crossing the Mt Franklin Rd just south of Bendora Arboretum
and heading down the (very dry) Goodradigbee side of the range.
Harvey Perkins
CRC Programme
Dept Education, Science and Training
GPO Box 9880, Canberra ACT 2601
phone (02) 6240 7103 (x37103)
fax (02) 6123 5525
email m("dest.gov.au","Harvey.Perkins");">