
What owl is that?

To: "Canberrabirds" <>
Subject: What owl is that?
From: "Overs, Anthony \(REPS\)" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:48:27 +1100

Young Southern Boobooks makes a cricket-like trill call. I’m trying to locate a sound file for you, but in the meantime, here’s a link to a Jerry Olsen paper about boobook calls.






-----Original Message-----
From: Alastair Smith [
Sent: Wednesday, 10 January 2007 9:38 AM
To: 'Gina Wyatt'
Cc: Canberrabirds
Subject: RE: [canberrabirds] What owl is that?



I too would agree that it is a Southern Boobook. HANZAB (Volume 4) states the owl ‘…probably has widest known range of calls of any Australian Ninox; calls variously described as hoots, croaks, brays, yelps, growls, trills, screams and squeals. Calls vary from low to load and from soft to strident’.




From: Gina Wyatt [
Sent: Tuesday, 9 January 2007 9:32 PM
Subject: [canberrabirds] What owl is that?


Hello all,

I am a complete newbie in this bird-spotting bizzo! I have just returned from walking the dogs having spotted some kind of owl (my very first ever!).  We were doing the circuit of Chauvel Circle in Chapman when we heard a bizarre hoarse trilling whistling call.  We thought it might some loud, strange cicada or bat perhaps - we could hear another calling off to the west - and very quietly continued on our way. As we walked the calling was tending to move forward away from us. Keeping our eyes peeled we finally spotted something winged moving between the trees.  By the time we reached Darwinia Tce the unidentified flying object was perched on the big gum near the Darwinia Tce underpass. I got a reasonable look at it (long enough for it to have a good look at me too, and a lovely owly blink) but as it was so dim, all I can say for certain is it was an owl, a reasonably small one, probably greyish brown in colour with possibly some banding on the feathers?, and continued to make this very high-pitched, trilling hoarse whistle. It then flew off to the north-west.

I've listened to the calls of the Southern Boobook and Tawny Frogmouth on the COG website and it most definitely wasn't one of those.  Can anyone tell me what my exciting sighting was of?


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