Still some news from the "old" year, at the same
time best wishes to all for the "new" year!
Checked various spots in the Tarago area,
highlights were:
Banded Lapwing: 1 pair with 3
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo: already
flock of 200;
Brown Songlark: 2
Singing Bushlark: total of 7,
all in oat paddocks [notably both paddocks had been slashed/harvested, yet birds
had remained; birds singing and disputing territories (at the November visit
birds mainly sitting quietly on fences), wonder whether first nests may have
been lost during slashing and birds were re-nesting now?];
White-browed Woodswallow: at least
22 pairs, scattered over a large area, they all appeared to have young; at
accessible sites with one exception all young still on the ground, i.e. fledged
very recently;
Musk Lorikeet: 3 birds passing
Night Heron: 2 adults roosting in
Michael Lenz