The WTE nest near Mugga
Lane fledged 2 young on the first day of December.
The one near Erindale Drive
(one young) was about a week behind that the last time I looked. The
single WTEs reported over recent months in the spaces to the south of inner
south Canberra would
have been adults – long-term local residents, I expect - associated with
those nests.
At about the same time the Oaks Estate B Goshawk nest
produced 3 young. This is the ambulatory nest of the ‘pair’
Bob Rusk used to report on in the days of the telephone hotline. Although
‘they’ have used the same nest for 4 years I doubt they are the
original adults. Certainly ‘Old Swoop’ is no longer part of
the team, as the male is quite timid, calling tentatively from cover.
Not so good is the news with respect to the possible Little
Eagle nest that Nicholas Talbot mentioned near FSP. This was indeed an LE
nest and a bird sat on it, presumably on eggs, for at least 2 weeks. It
is now deserted, possibly a case of egg infertility. At the back of my
mind, with no evidence, is the possibility that this could be a result of the
rabbit-baiting. I have not seen a LE in the vicinity for a couple of
weeks, nor a Whistling Kite for that matter. The rabbits have increased
There appears to be an active sparrowhawk nest on the other
side of the ponds.