This may be of interest since numbers appear to
be increasing:
There was a flock of six Superbs flying S over
gardens & trees between Deasland & Avery Places, Fraser & then
over the nearest part of Mt Rogers at 9:30 Sunday morning.
A pair was feeding in flowering Eucalypts
after this flight. For at least 30 mins there was a lone female or
juvenile stationary in another 'Avery' tree. At first it preened but then just
'sat' there without being approached by other SPs.
Today (Monday 4th) there were 4 'perched' SPs in
the same trees & a pair fed one of them before flying off to, I assume,
forage. Three of the perched birds were head under wing at 9:30.
20 minutes later they were more active & feeding amongst Eucalypt blossoms
in a lazy sort of way. By the look of tail-length there were two females &
two juveniles in this left-behind group. It's possible that this group are
genuine 'December arrivals' in that this suggests creching-behaviour to
Koel seen & heard in 'southern' Flynn
Saturday 2nd at 8:30. One calling around 'mid-Flynn Sunday
How many koels are likely to be here or "make a