I blitzed Mulligans Flat (mostly eastern side) and
northern Goorooyarroo reserves on Sunday over about 5 hours. I was mainly
focussed on finding breeding records. After an interrupted morning
when I could not access the COG lock at Gooroo to drive in there (as someone had
isolated it from the chain link and temporarily lost my GPS and had to backtrack
to find it, I recorded 76 species of birds, including several Red-capped Robins
(Mull & Gooroo), Hooded Robins, V Sittellas (especially eastern Mulligans),
WW Trillers, Crested Shrike Tit, Jacky Winter, Pied Butcherbird (eastern
Mulligans). Highlights were Superb Parrots of which there are quite a lot
around both reserves, especially Gooroo. I got breeding records of
most of the threatened species/species of interest. Not many Dusky
Woodswallows around this year, but there are plently of Trillers in several