Hi Ian
Very interesting, I've not been back in the area since last summer but we
had 2 sightings in a couple of months of field work so the place wasn't
thick with them. We flushed 2 birds along Blue Range Rd 700 metres from
Brindabella Rd in early December, and another along Bullock Paddock Rd in
mid-January. At the time I thought Red-chested BQ was the most likely id and
nothing I've read or seen since has altered that. Unfortunately we never had
anything other than brief untickable flight views, certainly not good enough
to submit to the rarities panel. Despite trying hard, on both occasions, we
weren't able to find the birds again even though we saw roughly where they
landed, they must either run off very quickly, or hide well. Might have to
head out there and have another poke around.
The Rob Roy walk/clamber was good fun and very well attended, although not
very birdy. A very interesting, rather rugged area with quite different
vegetation to the nature park hills further north, and I reckon it would be
good for reptiles. Definitely worth another visit, perhaps after it's