
big woodland research grant

To: "Martin and Frances" <>, "Cog line" <>
Subject: big woodland research grant
From: "tom green" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 08:01:40 +1000
The dam seems to have little connection to woodland research. It is just as easy to point out that the dam seems to be a focus for Noisy Miners and that they drove away the treecreepers.
COG spends a lot of time counting birds. I think we should expand our efforts to behavioral studies of some declining species.
As an ex soils person perhaps I could offer the following comment on the dam.
It is built of unsuitable material. The clay used in its wall is sodic (means salty) and dispersible (means that when it is exposed to fresh water it "dissolves"). The breach could be repaired with clay amended with gypsum and bentonite but it is highly likely that the wall would then fail somewhere else. As there are now people living downstream that is an unacceptable risk.
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