Headed out early this am to check Nicki's Swift
Parrot site, no luck. Then had a look around the reservoir off Rivett St
Hackett (where the Little Lorikeets were not long ago). There were at least 6
Swifties within stone throwing distance of the reservoir, very active and
vocal at first, but they eventually settled in a large Yellow Box and went
very quiet. At least 3 were sitting preening, one was foraging, apparently
gleaning lerps from leaves. Due to the size and dense foliage of the tree I
couldn't get an accurate count but at least 6 flew in. There were plenty
of Noisy Miners in the area, but they appeared to ignore the parrots, in fact
a miner sat quietly(!) for 5 minutes about a metre from a preening
Swiftie without trying to beat it up. A couple of hundred metres up slope
from here I heard Glossy Black-Cockatoos and saw a Little Eagle flying
over. Lots of flowering Brittle Gum in this area, but couldn't find any Swift