
Campbell park

Subject: Campbell park
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 14:45:45 +1100

I went to Campbell Park yesterday. I was wandering around and wondering why it was so quiet and then noticed a feral pigeon flying fast through the woodlands and thought 'hmm that is weird'. A few minutes later I spotted a peregrine falcon circling above. Other birds seen were dollarbird feeding young, white throated gerygone, western gerygone, common bronzewings, a large flock (>12 and probably 15) of sittellas including perhaps 2/3 juveniles, some were being fed by adults and there were lots of fights. My feeling was there were two different ages of juveniles (2 clutches perhaps). The sitellas were also catching insects on the wing which I havent noticed before. Further in, another dollarbird with young, 2 sacred kingfishers. 2 Leaden flycatcher males having a territorial calling bout.  Other usuals, lots of begging rosellas.



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  • Campbell park, Benjamin . Whitworth <=

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