Some awkward comment on a global crisis. I had been waiting for an opportunity to write a message like this when I did see a reasonable size flock of ravens about 3 weeks ago whilst
driving near home. I don’t know which species. I thought will I / won’t I make the
pun. I am sort of surprised no one else has. So now the opportunity has arisen from the other hemisphere (the email bird chat line in Los Angeles California).
From: Philip Veerman [
Sent: Tuesday, 21 April, 2020 10:51 AM To: Subject: RE: [LACoBirds] PANDEMIC
Ha Ha.
I have been thinking of writing almost the same message from home in Canberra, Australia. Trouble is we have two species of Corvus in Canberra. The Australian Raven almost never
associates in flocks, so we would rarely get 19. The Little Raven (less common here and a migrant) typically moves in large flocks and so counting 19 (honestly) would be difficult.
From: [
On Behalf Of Irwin Woldman via
Sent: Tuesday, 21 April, 2020 7:03 AM
Subject: [LACoBirds] PANDEMIC
Today I had a "murder" of crows fly over my 3rd floor condo unit. I counted and found 19 birds in that flock. Does this "CORVID 19" constitute another pandemic arising of avian origin?
Stay well, safe and keep laughing.