
The spread of feral parrots in the USA

Subject: The spread of feral parrots in the USA
From: Mike Owen <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 21:41:43 +1000
Most of the wild parrots in the USA originated from wild caught birds that were imported in large numbers until the passing of legislation - the Wild Bird Conservation Act (I think that is the correct name of the act) - in 1992 to stop the import of CITIES listed  birds.   The main importation quarantine stations were in Florida and California and occasionally escapes occurred - dropped crates breaking open etc.  quite apart form many purchasers finding the taming of a wild caught Macaw, Amazon or Conure was too hard, and after running out of bandages would eventually open the cage door.  Being wild caught those birds had to skills to survive.
Mike Owen

On 16-May-19 7:03 PM, Laurie Knight wrote:

  Escaped pet parrots are now naturalized in 23 US states, study finds

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