G’day Philip
I don’t think Albatross spend much time on land outside of the breeding season,
and there wouldn’t be many Albatross spending time on land in regions where
there are poles for them to land on.
Frigate birds and boobies roost in trees ...
> On 21 Jan 2019, at 9:43 am, Philip Veerman <> wrote:
> Well that can be true. Taking off from a lamp post is easy and this may
> compensate for the effort it takes of getting up there. Pelicans are great
> soarers once they get high and use the warm air for lift, also great at low
> flight over water but there is a lot of energy involved in getting those
> first several metres from the ground or water up to a pole. But maybe that is
> not actually difficult. I still think the real advantage is that they can sit
> there undisturbed, just other words for exposed the pelican to dangers. Next
> question is: are there places where there are many pelicans and high roosts
> available and a lack of disturbance from people and dogs and do they
> regularly do this in that situation. Yes Albatross have that problem (has
> anyone seen an albatross perched on a pole?). Pelicans are not great at
> running. They can become airborne from a stationary start from the ground
> with a jump into the air and deep flap. Not sure what real dangers it would
> be subject to ……. sharks in the water, in which case, starting flying is a
> big benefit over not flying at all.
> Philip
> From: Birding-Aus On Behalf Of
> Geoff Ryan
> Sent: Monday, 21 January, 2019 6:59 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Pelicans perching on poles
> One of the major problems of being a pelican is taking off from land or water
> - this requires much energy and exposes the pelican to dangers. Taking off
> from a lamp post is as simple as a step into free air. Pelicans, like many
> vultures and albatross, are like gliders and need assistance to launch.
> Geoff Ryan
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