
Identification help, please

To: Bob Ashford <>, Birding Aus <>
Subject: Identification help, please
From: Nikolas Haass <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 14:58:31 +0000
Hi Bob,

Looks like a 2nd year Brahminy Kite to me.


A/Prof Nikolas Haass | Head, Experimental Melanoma Therapy Group
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On 29/05/14 10:12 PM, "Bob Ashford" <> wrote:

>Hi Birders,
>In April I enjoyed a few days in Pondicherry, southern-east India.
>While travelling the local countryside I saw this raptor and managed to
>a few shots of it before we passed and it flew away
>We were in fairly dry scrubby environment though there was a large lake
>My first thought was a Kite,  but the flying shot seems to show white on
>upper wing and there appears to be a hint of white rump.
>Maybe it's a harrier. I'm stumped, probably because I have been studying
>far too closely, far too long
>Can anybody offer some suggestion please?
>Click on this link for the photos
>Many thanks
>Bob Ashford
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