Sun 18 May
Spotted Harrier
As a follow-up to the recent report, I observed a Spotted Harrier over a quarry on Old Dandenong Rd. It caught a small prey item and was mobbed by Little Ravens.
Lewis Hiller
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo
Kurrajong Crescent, Melton South
A single bird observed for an extended period of time feeding in a Yellow Box in our backyard at midday on a very mild afternoon (21.4 degrees Celsius). My first record in suburban Melton since May 1990.
Micah Kawalek
Sat 17 May
Sooty Owl
Bunyip State Park (Ash Landing Road)
Two Sooty Owls were located around 1 km up along Ash Landing Rd around 7 pm. They were located by their intense territorial calls which included hissing. Attached is a wonderful photo taken by Irena Earl. A big thanks to Tim Bawden who gave me excellent instructions on how to find the owls.
Bernie OKeefe, Hedley and Irena Earl
Australasian Bittern
Heath Rd Wetlands, Portland West
Parked on the side of the road of the wetlands and the moment I crossed the fence and into wetlands the Bittern flushed from metres away from me. It soared and landed about 20 metres further in. I then flushed twice more before I left. This bittern is an adult bird
James Mustafa
Freckled duck
Skeleton Waterholes Creek
6 Freckled ducks spotted in shallows near reeds at the edge of Skeletons Creek around 2km north-west from the bridge at Cheetham Wetlands end (slightly south-east from the Merton St walkway entrance onto the walking track).
They were swimming in the company of 3 pairs of Australasian shovelers.
Anna Matilda
Swift Parrot
Goorambat Hills
At least four birds in flowering ironbarks on the north side of the hills.
Michael Ramsey
Fri 16 May
Mt Worth State Park
A small Ninox-type owl flushed from the side of the road at Mt Worh SP last night (16th). It remained in the car headlights briefly, & binocular views & photographs confirm Morepork - small size, yellow eyes, white-spotted breast, fine white spotting on crown & nape .
Brian Johnston, Beth Carr
Yellow-plumed Honeyeater
James Cook Drive, Emu Creek
4-5 Yellow-plumed Honeyeaters spotted, along with a couple of yellow faced honeyeaters, in a flowering red Ironbark just by our backdoor.
A newie for our block - it is unusual to see them south of Bendigo.
Phil Robertson
Thu 15 May
Spotted Harrier
Watched a Spotted Harrier soar over Kingston Rd in market gardens area just east of Old Dandenong Rd.
Mark Bennett
Swift Parrot
Along the Avoca river at Avoca, two Swift Parrots flew overhead a couple of times amongst all the Musk Lorikeets. Quite good flowering of the eucalypts along the river.
David Wilson
Painted Buttonquail
Heatherton Road Wetlands, Dandenong
Spotted the bird casually walking through scrub near the playground! Very tame, allowed me to get close before it sprinted off. Unbelievably exciting!
James Mustafa
Wed 14 May
Double-barred Finch
Black Dog Creek, Norong
On the Lilliput rd. Arrived at 9am and almost immediately heard the characteristic "mewing" sound. 2 birds flew from a tree on the West side of the road onto the fence (giving excellent view) then they flew into the old primary school area and could not be relocated. Very shy, my 3rd visit in 3 days
Angus Hartshorn
Rose Robin
Shepherds Bush
A male foraging low down close to the main track
Simon Starr
Powerful Owl
Shepherds Bush
A pair roosting near to the main track
Simon Starr
Tue 13 May
Regent Honeyeater
Chiltern-Mount Pilot National Park (Ryans Road)
At 11:30 am one bird in an Ironbark in blossom. Feeding for over 30 minutes. The only one I saw in 3 days around here (ie did not see any at Greenhill Dam/Road) not a lot of blossom around.
Angus Hartshorn
Pied Butcherbird
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
A single Pied Butcherbird flew into the 270S Borrow Pit area today at around 12.20pm, announcing its presence with a few song notes. Chased off by a Willie Wagtail & Magpie-lark, it continued east along the coast.
Steve Davidson
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
Central Creek Grassland Reserve, Reservoir
Single bird in wattles in northern section of reserve.
Ian Sutherland
Curlew Sandpiper
Lake Colac
50+ I guess these birds didn't notice the change in weather. 1 in breeding plumage the rest I'd say are young birds.
Adam Fry
Swift Parrot
Crusoe Reservoir, Bendgo
6 Swifties flying overhead just above canopy height.
Ken Dredge
Mon 12 May
Beautiful Firetail
Anglesea Heath
Great views of a Beautiful Firetail. Weather was sunny and calm at around 9am. Also seen nearby were Olive Whistler, Chestnut-rumped Heathwren, Tawny-crowned Honeyeater,Southern Emuwren, and Striated Fieldwren
Richard Arnold
Sun 11 May
Rufous Whistler
Buckley St, Essendon
Single bird seen singing in a tree. Unusual sighting for this part of Melbourne.
Mark Camilleri
Freckled Duck
Little Lake Boort
Two Freckled Duck seen this afternoon swimming with Hardhead.
Malcolm Cousland
Sat 10 May
Pied Butcherbird
Roadside 4-5 km from Forrest on Colac-Forrest Road
Flew rapidly and directly in front of my car.
Rob Youl
Thu 8 May
Entomyzon cyanotis (Blue-faced Honeyeater)
Royal Park, Ryder Oval, Park Street, Parkville
Lone bird attracted to its reflection in car side mirror
Chris Nicholson