
Spangled Drongo in Sydney this season

To: "Jenny Stiles" <>, "birding-aus" <>
Subject: Spangled Drongo in Sydney this season
From: "Greg and Val Clancy" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:20:34 +1100
Hi Jenny,

It is interesting that you raise the issue about the apparent increase in reports of Spangled Drongos this year. I am presently writing an item for my blog on the species as this year seems to be a bumper year with over 10 in our backyard for a few days, including begging juveniles, and at least two still hanging around. At Glenugie, near Grafton, we had a flock of 25+ moving through but this is likely to be an underestimate as the birds were flying back and forth and were hard to accurately count. During the past few weeks I have seen Drongos on most days and at various locations. Other locals have reported good numbers moving through as well. So in answer to your question the Clarence Valley has good numbers of the species at present, which would appear to be greater than is usual.


Dr Greg. P. Clancy
Ecologist and Birding-wildlife Guide
| PO Box 63 Coutts Crossing NSW 2460
| 02 6649 3153  | 0429 601 960

-----Original Message----- From: Jenny Stiles
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 8:37 AM
To: birding-aus
Subject: Spangled Drongo in Sydney this season

Hi List,
Normally when Spangled Drongo are passing through Sydney I make an extra effort to go to likely patches of bush and usually manage 1 or 2 sightings. This year however I have seen 19 Spangled Drongo [some of which may be repeat sightings of the same bird on consecutive days], all at Galaringi Reserve, Carlingford [10] and Sydney Olympic Park [9]. I have also seen many more reports on Birdline than I recall from other years. Is Sydney seeing an unexpected influx of Spangled Drongo this year? If so are there more about this year or is somewhere else missing their usual Spangled Drongos?
From Jenny Stiles

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