Birdline Tasmania
Published sightings for the week ending 22 Dec 2013.
Sat 21 Dec
Latham's Snipe
Goulds Lagoon
Single bird at the southern end of the main lagoon.
Rob and James Hamilton
Mon 16 Dec
Australian Owlet-nightjar
Peter Murrell Reserves
At least three birds calling sporadically in the vicinity of Penrhyn Pond from first dark until 2300 hrs.
Paul Brooks
Sat 30 Nov
Grey-headed Albatross (1), Cook's (1), Gould's (1) and Mottled Petrels (1), and Arctic Tern (1)
Eaglehawk Pelagic
Highlights from today's pelagic from Eaglehawk Neck: a single Grey-headed Albatross in adult plumage that stayed around the boat for at least 10 minutes; passes from one each of Cook's, Gould's and Mottled Petrel (plus another probable Mottled). Also an Arctic Tern, moulting out of breeding plumage, foraging south of the Hippolyte (identified from photograph).
Paul Brooks and all aboard the Pauletta
| Birdline Tasmania is hosted by Eremaea Birds.