Hi Martin,
There is man-made watering points at Glenlee Flora and Fauna Reserve just
north of the Little Desert, with an associated bird hide. Set up by the Nhill
Birdlife (www.birdlife.org.au/locations/birdlife-nhill) in the 1990s, I'm not
sure how regularly the water is maintained.
Incidentally, it's a nice spot. For instance, at (or near) the water point I've
recorded Australian Ringneck, Purple-crowned Lorikeet, Little Button-quail,
Yellow-plumed, White-fronted, Black, Black-chinned and Spiny-cheeked
Honeyeater, Dusky, White-browed and Masked Woodswallow, White-winged Triller,
Rufous Songlark, Restless Flycatcher, Crimson Chat, Varied (Black-capped)
Sittella, Gilbert’s Whistler, Red-capped and Hooded Robin, Variegated Wren,
Grey (black-winged) Currawong, Southern Whiteface, Diamond Firetail, Zebra
Finch and, surprisingly, most of Victoria's Thornbill sp.
on behalf of
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 10:20 AM
Subject: RFI: artificial watering points & impacts on birds
A request for members.
I am trying to compile information on the impact of man-made watering
points on birds and keen to hear or be advised on any relevant references
etc with respect to dry country birds in particular.
I am aware that dams were fenced or removed at Gluepot in South Australia
and understand a similar process has been undertaken at the Trust for
Nature property at Neds Corner in Victoria. The rationale and outcomes of
this work is of interest.
cheers, Martin O'Brien
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