Sun 15 Dec
Wandering Tattler
Caloundra Headland
tide out, fine & hot
Wandering Tattler (1) On rock shelf seen at close range, darker gray than gray- tailed - small white eyebrow which did not continue behind eye .Also 5 sooty oystercatchers and nesting ospreys. Other surprise was a buff banded rail so close to beach.
Jo Culican
Sun 15 Dec
Kelp Gull, Broad-billed Sandpiper
Manly Boat Harbour
Colin texted me this morning reporting an immature Kelp Gull and a Broad-billed Sandpiperat the high tide roost this morning.
Colin Reid - via Rob Morris
Square-tailed Kite
Fitzgibbon Bushland
2 birds at 8am this morning, great views as they quartered the forest between Roghan Rd and Telegraph Rd for 20 minutes. The first I've seen in this area.
Ged Tranter
Spotless Crake, Baillon's Crake, Little Grassbird
Parklakes, Sunshine Coast
4 Spotless Crakes & 2 Baillon's Crakes seen at this recently created wetlands near Bli Bli
Greg Roberts
Fri 13 Dec
Banded Lapwing
Banool Road, Lockyer Valley
18 Banded Lapwings on edge of large dam North side of road.
Jo Culican
Fri 13 Dec
Rufous Night-Heron, Spotless Crake, Latham's Snipe, Brush Cuckoo
Lindum Wetlands
Includes survey of both salt water mangrove swamp off Kianawah Rd and fresh water off Sandy Camp Rd. perfect conditions
Rufous Night-Heron (1) hiding in swamp sedge
Spotless Crake (2) behind viewing platform on fresh
Latham's Snipe (1) on track near fresh water swamp
Brush Cuckoo (2) vigorous calling
Bill Popple
Thu 12 Dec
Australian Painted Snipe
Mount Lindsay Highway, Tamrook Farm Dam behind Tamrookam Primary School
APS still at this site as reported in Aug, Sept, Nov 2013. This visit just a brief view of a female crossing a gap in the vegetation under the power line, north side of school.
Rob Elvish
Fork-tailed Swift
15 over north this evening in ten minutes, in overcast conditons. Appeared to be a small passage as birds flew purposefully north in ones and twos.
Andy Jensen
Black-tailed Native-hen
Dohles Rocks
Back by the ponds at Dohles Rocks, in the area around the driveway opposite Osprey House centre after an absence of a few months.
Perhaps the bird that was at Nathan Road Wetlands nearby recently from late October to late November?
Andy Jensen
Wed 11 Dec
Lewin's Rail
Kingfisher Park, Kenmore
Three, possibly four Lewin's Rails detected in swampy creek beside the playing fields, mid-morning. One Lewin's Rail and a Buff-banded Rail seen briefly; also crakes (Spotless?) calling. Habitat was 100% cover of continuous dense grass, sedge, forbs and a few shrubs; a mix of exotic and native species.
Roger Jaensch
Channel-billed Cuckoo
cashmere just off lilley road
This juvenile Cuckoo is one of two raised by Pied Currawongs in their very simple loose nest. One bird has left the nest yesterday and this one seems sure to leave very soon.
Jack Whiting
Southern Boobook
Kumbartcho Sanctuary, Eatons Hill
this bird was sighted in a tree next to the barn area. It was quite close for our group to observe. This is the first time in the last three years that the group has recorded this bird.
Jack Whiting
Tue 10 Dec
Asian Dowitcher
Osprey House Environmental Centre
Two birds at the spot where Andy Jensen saw a single bird last weekend... lousy record image here.. also a single Marsh Sandpiper
Greg Roberts
Mon 9 Dec
Lewin's Rail
Ashridge Road Park (Darra) & Edenbrooke Park (17 Mile Rocks)
Five Lewin's Rails detected, on basis of up to four types of call, at three sites along the watercourse (Jindalee Ck?) beside Edenbrooke Bikeway, from N of Ashridge Rd to N of Monier Rd, in the early morning. Habitat: almost 100% cover of tall mostly-exotic grasses, sedges, forbs and shrubs (such as castor oil), broadly fringing a small trickling creek.
Roger Jaensch
Nankeen Night-heron
St Lucia (including The University of Queensland)
One bird in full breeding plumage (white streamers present) on the lake closest to the Green Bridge bus station. This is the first time in almost 9 years of regularly visiting campus that I have seen this species and, as far as I can tell, the first time it has been recorded there in almost 20 years.
Russell Yong
Tawny Frogmouth
Dowse Lagoon, Sandgate
Roosting low on a branch in the trees alongside the observation platform at Keogh St.
Vince Bugeja
Latham's Snipe
Dowse Lagoon, Sandgate
Early morning start and from the bird hide sighted this pair feeding along the lagoon edge. Completed my circuit of Dowse Lagoon and they were sighted again.
Vince Bugeja
White-throated Needletail, Fork-tailed Swift, possible Australian Swiftlet
Alexandra Hills
Counted over 200 WTNTs circling over the area between the Vienna Rd junction and the Aldi. In among them were a tiny handful of FTSs (no more than 5- long bifurcated tails and white saddle-patch distinctive), and one bird that made three passes over that was dramatically smaller again than FTS, overall 'blunter' profile (wings and tail), and a dusky (not fully black) body with white saddle-patch. Best fit is Aust Swiftlet, but I am hesitant to fully commit to this ID unless someone else can confirm it based on this description. Unfortunately no photos were taken (seen while at a traffic light, and bird was moving too fast).
Russell Yong
Sun 8 Dec
Beach Stone Curlew
Macleay Island, Moreton Bay, Southern Queensland.
I saw the Beach Stone Curlew a few months back on the sand and mud flats at dusk, but couldn't take a good photo. When taking sunset pictures on 8, 9 and 10th December I saw it again around 5.30pm each time. Twice I saw it coming from a small tidal creek. Suspect that's where it's living. Don't know whether there's two birds or just the one. Very very rare for Southern Queensland, and my first sighting on Macleay Island in 10 years of looking for one. See many Bush Stone Curlews here, but rarely a Beach Stone Curlew. Threatened species here and critically endangered down south.
Gail MacPherson
Oriental Cuckoo
Armstrong Creek, near Dayboro
Bird seen near the house and sat giving good views, later moving from tree to tree up the drive.
Mike and Linda Lewis
Thu 5 Dec
Little Bronze-cuckoo
Sharp Park near Canungra
A single bird was in trees beside the Coomera river in the camping area. Earlier in the day I heard another Little Bronze-cuckoo near a dam opposite Nindooinbah House Rd on the Kerry Road south of Beaudesert.
Barry Davies
Sun 1 Dec
Plum-headed Finch
70-80 Plum-headed Finches, 1 Red-browed Finch and a few Zebra Finches feeding on the ground at approx 7pm in a fenced off yard with spilt grain diagonally opposite the Quilpie pub. The next morning there were only a few Plum-heads and Zebra Finches present.
Peter Waanders