What is the urgency? Because of its vast potential range and extreme
cryptic behavior i doubt that virtually anything anyone does or does not
do in the near future would or could affect the ultimate survival of
Night Parrot
It's survival so far within the Channel Country and Boulia area despite
the history of regular drought, extreme heat, heavy domestic animal
grazing, mega infestations of rabbits, foxes, cats, weeds, wind and
water erosion and just about every other ecological pressure that has
been applied is testimony to this..
The only conceivable short term local threats would be from misguided
researchers influencing misinformed land use and bird conservation
policy. Especially 1, Policy that might recommend significant change
to the current ecological blend that has allowed this species to survive
so far and 2, misguided policy that allows intervention such as
targeting, capturing and handling Night Parrots for some other quasi
research purpose including captive breeding.
"Lessons in History" might also consider some other prominent parrot
species recovery programs that have developed into research conservation
disasters and lack adequate transparency.
Ian May
St Helens. Tasmania
Greg Roberts wrote:
I have been asked by several people to contribute to the latest exchange on
this subject and do so reluctantly.
David Adams has a point when he speculates that the controversy surrounding
the Night Parrot discovery can be explained by the fact that it has been
handled in a "novel manner".
I believe Nikolas Haass is correct when he suggests it is reasonable for
further evidence to be produced publicly to consolidate the discovery.
A lesson in history. In the mid-1970s I rediscovered the plumiferus race of
the Marbled Frogmouth. It was a highly significant finding at the time; the
so-called Plumed Frogmouth had not been seen for some decades and its call
was unknown. I immediately publicised the whereabouts of the site. With
Chris Corben and other colleagues, we recorded the bird's call; the
recordings were distributed widely. Surveys were conducted throughout the
bird's range in south-east Queensland and north-east NSW to determine its
status and distribution. I published the finding in a peer-reviewed journal,
Emu. The results of surveys were published in another journal, Sunbird. I
took the view that the interests of the Plumed Frogmouth were best served by
both verifying the record publicly and by gathering and publicising as much
information as quickly as possible.
It's called transparency, and without adequate and incontrovertible
transparency, controversy is inevitable.
This debate is not about attacking or defending any particular individual.
It is not primarily about believing or not believing the Night Parrot
record; I personally believe it.
What this debate should be centred around is the welfare of the Night
Parrot. Too many people forget that this endangered species is not the
property of any individual, however noteworthy their efforts in the field
may be.
Greg Roberts
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