Sun 13 Oct
Freckled Duck
Lake MacDonald Noosa Botanical Gardens
Two observed
Ken Cross, Steven McBride and Barry Brugman
Sat 12 Oct
Painted Buttonquail
Haigslea Cemetery/Raysource Rd
One male-female pair, not far down the worn-out track, a little way into the brush but gave good views in good light, seen at about 3pm. Diagnosis was via distinctly large size, rich chestnut colour present on back but not face or breast and dark, streaked appearance to face and red eye.
Russell Yong & Jeremy Ringma
Sat 12 Oct
Oriental Plover, Broad-billed Sandpiper
Kakadu Beach, Bribie Island
Oriental Plover seen in company of Lesser Sandplovers. Broad-billed Sandpiper in company of Red-necked Stints. Scope essential!! Both birds viewed best from walking path rather than hides.
Ken Cross, Steven McBride and Barry Brugman
Banded Lapwing
Banool Road, Lockyer Valley
One pair at approx 12:30pm, in the regular paddock just after Waters Rd, relatively close to the fenceline. Sighting made as part of Birds Australia-supported excursion for UQ.
Russell Yong, J. Ringma, C. Runge et al.
Black Falcon
Lake Clarendon, Lockyer Valley
One bird in distance over farmlands, being mobbed by kestrels at approx 11:30am, seen from dam wall. Sighting made as part of Birds Australia-supported excursion for UQ.
Russell Yong, J. Ringma, C. Runge et al.
Cotton Pygmy-goose
Atkinsons Dam, Lockyer Valley
One male-female pair in the drainage channel just east of the day-use areas. Sighting made as part of Birds Australia-supported excursion for UQ.
Jeremy Ringma, R. Yong, C. Runge et al.
Australian Painted-Snipe
Tea Trees Wetland, Arundel, Gold Coast
Australian Painted-Snipe (2) 1 male and the other's gender couldn't be identified
Timothy Braithwaite
Fri 11 Oct
Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove
Cove Rd Stanmore
Two birds seen, more heard in fruiting fig near intersection of Cove Road and Old Cove Road, 100m from bridge over Stanley River.
Cotton Pygmy-goose
Cnr. D'Aguilar H'way and Mary Smokes Sandy Creek Rd, Royston
Eight birds on wetland close to road
R.Lamb,K.Cross, S.McBride
Australian Painted-Snipe
1143 Villenevue Rd, Villeneuve
Male/immature Australian Painted-Snipe seen in backwater bay of Stanley River. Telescope required, view from opposite 1143 Villeneuve Road into left-hand bay. (NB house incorrectely signed as 143 on road, 1143 is correct as per Google Maps)
R.Lamb,K.Cross, S.McBride
Black-necked Stork, Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Tea Trees Wetland, Arundel, Gold Coast
Black-necked Stork (2) feeding on large pond 1 male and 1 female
Yellow-billed Spoonbill (2) in tree with 1 royal spoonbill
Timothy Braithwaite
Rufous Songlark
John Wilson Reserve
Rufous Songlark (1) Track junction next to green shipping container
Adrian Brooks
Thu 10 Oct
Blue Bonnet
Lake Coolmunda Caravan Park
A pair of Blue Bonnets was seen feeding on the grass seeds growing alongside the Railway Line close by. They were sighted daily over the next four days and also a group of six or seven birds was sighted daily including parents feeding newly fledged young. They were in very close proximity to this Caravan Park.
Vince Bugeja
Freckled Duck
Moggil Road Wetlands
Female on the edge of reed beds at 4.45 pm. See Photograph
Robert Bush
Mon 7 Oct
Australian Painted-Snipe
Cove Road Stanmore
Dam with dead trees adjacent to 699 Cove Road, Stanmore.
Australian Painted-Snipe (1) Female out in the open on mud of the foreshore of dam. Stayed put even when someone chased a runaway horse past it.
Sarah Beavis
Mon 7 Oct
Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush, Hall's Babbler, Spotted Nightjar, White-browed Treecreeper
Bowra Sanctuary, SWQ
Our first full day at Bowra brought the above birds before lunch, all seen around Stony Ridge. A total of exactly 100 species seen in 4 days excellent birding, with other good sightings including 19 Major Mitchell's Cockatoo at a wterhole,3 Red-browed Pardalote, 7 Bourke's Parrot, 2 Ground Cuckoo-shrike
R.Lamb, K.Cross, S. McBride, B.Brugman
Southern Boobook
East Brisbane
Around 8 pm, a Southern Boobook attempted to land on our back porch but then landed on top of the fruits of an Archontophoenix. Previously, there has been a calling Southern Boobook in our garden in April 2013.
Nikolas Haass & Raja Stephenson
White Morph Grey Goshawk
Moonlight Crag, O'Reilly's, Lamington NP
Plenty of time to watch this one from above working up and down the lost world valley. Seemed to be hanging out with a smaller Grey Goshawk most the time.
Duncan Fowler
Sun 6 Oct
Spotless Crake
Sandy Camp Road Wetlands Reserve
One Spotless Crake in the smallest pond, to the left of the footpath coming off the road. Five Baillon's Crakes were seen on the two main ponds. Reed-warbler nesting observed among the Phragmites on the first pond. Visit time ~5pm.
Russell Yong, J. Ringma and T. Crispin
Common Greenshank
Wynnum to Manly foreshore
Total of four Common Greenshank were seen on the receding tide between 3 and 4pm, foraging solitarily.
Russell Yong, J. Ringma and T. Crispin
Red Knot
Kakadu Beach, Bribie Island
Four Red Knot were seen (with more possible) mingling with the other roosting waders at high tide (10am). Oriental Plover sought and still present, giving all the myriad other birders a decent look.
Russell Yong, J. Ringma and T. Crispin
Tue 24 Sep
Australian Painted Snipe
Mount Lindsay Highway, Tamrook Farm Dam behind Tamrookam Primary School
Here is a photo of the 3 to 5 male Painted Snipe seen regularly at this site.
Last visit was 10 Oct, and the swamp near the highway is drying and I could not find them in their usual patch.
Rob Elvish