Birdline New South Wales
Published sightings for the week ending 12 May 2013.
Sun 12 May
Noisy Pitta, Bassian Thrush, Grey Goshawk.
Watagan National Park, Cooranbong.
Highlight from a trip to the Watagans today were good views of a Noisy Pitta.1 Bassian Thrush.and a Grey Goshawk.
michael ronan.
Little Eagle
South Tacoma Rd, Wyong
Little Eagle being mobbed by Whistling Kites, close to Wyong River.
Amanda Lilleyman and Bret Stewart
Jacky Winter, Yellow-rumped Thornbill, Whistling Kite
Western Sydney Parklands, Quakers Hill
The Jacky Winter was still present in the paddock area this morning. Once common, now a rarity in many parts of its former range.
Mark Fuller
Spotted Harrier, Straw-necked Ibis
Sydney Olympic Park
One juvenile Spotted Harrier flying east over the BA Discover Centre was the highlight of misty early morning visit. Later in the day I observed a huge flock (+200) of Straw-necked Ibis flying south over the Parramatta River, then over SOP. Not a rare species in Sydney, but surprising to see such a large flock over 'inner' Sydney.
Max Breckenridge
Pink-eared Duck, Yellow-billed Spoonbill, Black-necked Stork
Wetland at intersection of Four Mile Lane and Finlaysons Road, Swan Creek, NE of Grafton
100+ Pink-eared Ducks, many resting some foraging, and one Yellow-billed Spoonbill foraging in wetland. Adult male Black-necked Stork foraging in wetland to north of Finlaysons Road.
Greg & Val Clancy, Warren Thompson
Black-tailed Native-hen, Plumed Whistling-Duck, Eurasian Coot, Purple Swamphen, Masked Lapwing
Intersection of Four Mile Lane and Lake Road, Swan Creek, ENE of Grafton
Four Native-hens foraging in paddock near creek N of Swan Creek (see photo), 8 Plumed Whistling-Ducks and a number of Eurasian Coot on creek, Purple Swamphen and Masked Lapwings nearby. The Native-hen has only been recorded in the Valley a few times previously with only single birds being observed.
Greg & Val Clancy, Warren Thompson
Dusky Woodswallow
Lyndale Ave, Port Macquarie
Mixed flock of Dusky Woodswallows, White Breasted Woodswallows and Fairy Martins. Unusual in town.
Tim Moris
Sat 11 May
Freckled Duck, Pink-eared Duck, Shoveler, Brown Goshawk, Hobby
Central Coast Wetlands, Tuggerah
To celebrate World Migratory Bird Day, CCGBNSW organised a visit to the Central Coast Wetlands, Tuggerah. Since last visit the number of Freckled Ducks had risen to 15, 32 Shovelers, 7 pink-ears, Black-fronted & Red-kneed Dotterels, Great and Little Egrets, 1 White-necked Heron, 1 Yellow-billed Spoonbill and 9 Royal Spoonbills. Also seen were 3+ Whistling Kites, 2 Sea-eagles, 1 Hobby, 1 Brown Goshawk, 1 Swamp Harrier, 4 Black-shouldered Kites & 1 Nankeen Kestrel
Alan Morris & 12 members CCGBNSW
Sat 11 May
Intermediate Egret, Topknot Pigeon
McPherson Rd Swamp, Gavenlock Rd Tuggerah
An hours visit by 13 birders found 39 species including 3 Intermediate Egret, 1 White-necked Heron, a flock of 38 Topknot Pigeons flying through along the northern edge of the wetland, both Cisticolas and Tawny Grassbirds were seen, 2 Hoary-headed Grebes, 16 Masked Lapwings, 2 Whistling kites, 22 Straw-necked Ibis and a Fan-tailed Cuckoo.
Alan Morris & 12 members of CCGBNSW
Sat 11 May
Black-bellied Storm-Petrel
Sydney Pelagic
A photo of the previously reported BBSP on Saturdays Sydney Pelagic. Unfortunately missed the Soft plumed petrel.
Michael Rutkowski
Spotted Harrier
Hawks Nest (beach side)
Had crippling views of a Spotted Harrier along the dunes of the beach, soaring with the wind. It was likely to be picking off Brown Quails as they were observed in the dune scrub.
Amanda Lilleyman, Bret Stewart and Daniel O'Brien
Grey Goshawk
One bird, high over town, early afternoon. It was harassed by a lone Australian Magpie as it slowly spiraled upwards.
Lorne Johnson
Spotted Harrier, Black-shouldered Kites, Straw-necked Ibis
Pitt Town Bottoms Rd Wetland
About 4.00pm, just past the reclaimed wetland, over grassy paddock, a Spotted Harrier making several passes. Also a pair of Black-shouldered Kite catching and devouring mouse after eruption? Returned after dark to see if any Barn Owls about, but no sighting. Squadrons of Straw-necked Ibis flying o/h, settling on to turf farms and trees at or near Pitt Town Lagoon.
Peter Madvig, with Sean Flatt and Tanyth Mathews from Kenya.
Little Eagle
A Little Eagle soaring high over Wakehurst Parkway, south of Warringah Rd, about 1.00pm today.
Robert Griffin
Great-crested Grebe, Black-necked Stork, White-bellied Sea Eagles, Chestnut-breasted
Farm Properties, 10-20km North West of Moree, NSW (near Ashley)
Picked up over 100 species today on some properties between Moree & Ashley, NSW. The first nice sight was a Brown Goshawk. Large flocks of close to a hundred Plum-headed Finches and tens of Chestnut-breasted Mannikins including immatures were seen again, including the ever so present Double-barred & Zebra Finches. The first White throated Gerygone in the area for a while was heard. Tree Martins are still around as well as Gull-billed Terns and Silver Gulls. Olive-backed Orioles and Diamond Doves are increasing again. Budgerigars are still around in very high numbers as so the Australasian Pipit being found regularly as usual. 6 Great Crested Grebes were seen on just one farm dam (not seen since June 2012) as well as 5 Black Swans (not seen past months). About 60 Hoary-headed Grebes were seen together with the much fewer Australasian. An immature Black-necked Stork (Jabiru) was seen soaring over some double dams but did not land. 4 Emus were seen. White bellied Sea Eagles (lots of adult and immature) and Spotted Harriers were very common today. We finished the day with 3 Red-capped Robins (1 male, 2 females which aren't found this time of year), a Wedge-tailed Eagle and about 80 Black-tailed Native Hens!
Curtis Hayne
Soft-plumaged Petrel, Black-bellied Storm-Petrel
Sydney Pelagic
Highlights of today's Sydney pelagic trip were a Soft-plumaged Petrel and a Black-bellied Storm-Petrel. The BBSP showed very well and was well seen close to the boat but the SPP was seen at some distance and will not warrant a submission to NSW ORAC unless a reasonable photograph shows up. A distant cookalaria which looked like a Cook's Petrel was frustratingly distant and did not stay around. Other interesting sightings were the first Fairy Prions of the winter and the very large numbers of Australasian Gannets - more than 500! A total of nineteen species were recorded.
Roger McGovern and all on the Halicat
Restless Flycatcher, Jacky Winter,White-winged Chough
Wilton Recreation ground
Illawarra Birders day walk recorded 69 species in the Wilton and
Douglas Park, highlights were Restless Flycatcher, Jacky Winter, White-winged Chough, Common Bronzewing, Wedge-tailed Eagle plus many more
Illawarra Birders
Fri 10 May
Scarlet Honeyeater and other migrants
Vale of Ah Reserve, Milperra
A flock of about 20 Scarlet Honeyeaters were migrating along the Georges River in AM, in similar fashion to Yellow-faced Honeyeaters(i.e. low and touching down here and there), but not associating with latter. Also, several flocks of Yellow-faced, a flock of 30 Noisey Friarbirds, a spread of Grey Fantails and a few Golden Whistlers.
David James
Fri 10 May
Musk Lorikeet
30 birds in flowering gums of Macarthur Square car park.
Lorne Johnson
Turquoise Parrot
Ashford Road, NE of Rocky Creek Road, NE of Strathbogie
4 Turquoise Parrots flew across road
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
Diamond Firetail, Hooded Robin, Little Lorikeet, Brown Treecreeper, Jacky Winter
Severn River Nature Reserve, near Ashford and adjacent private land and TSR
Two separate Firetails in Reserve, pair of Hooded Robins, two Jacky Winters, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters, Little Lorikeet and Brown Treecreeper heard calling on private land. Two Yellow-tufted Honeyeaters in TSR. No public access to private land, walking access to Nature Reserve and full access to TSR.
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
Varied Sittella, Little Lorikeet, Brown Treecreeper, Musk Lorikeet, Fuscous Honey
Nullamanna Road, Nullamanna, NE of Inverell
One Sittella flew to tree and was attacked by a Fuscous Honeyeater, Little Lorikeet and Musk Lorikeets heard calling, two Brown Treecreepers heard calling.
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
Musk Duck
Barayamal National Park (Lake Inverell Reserve)
Female on Lake Inverell.
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
Spotted Harrier
Stratheden Lagoon NW of Casino
Good views of 1 Adult Spotted Harrier flying low over grassland near lagoon.
Including the Spotted Harrier, 10 species of raptor were sighted yesterday in the Casino area:- 2 Black Kites, 4 Swamp Harriers,2 White- Bellied Sea Eagles,1 Br Goshawk, 1 Pacific Baza, 1 WTE. numerous Whistling Kites, Bl. shouldered Kites, and Kestrels.
June & Norm Harris, Eric & Marg Wheeler, Andrea Forrest-Brown.
White-necked Heron
An adult White-necked Heron in College St park this morning, getting much attention from the local magpies. Flew off towards Mort Bay.
Robert Griffin
Thu 9 May
Diamond Firetail, Painted Button-quail, Shining Bronze-Cuckoo
Gwydir River National Park, SE of Bingara (no public access)
One Firetail flew across Mehi Trail. Three Button-quail were flushed from ground and Cuckoo heard calling.
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
Copeton Dam Road near Bingara
Five birds perched on powerlines.
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
Little Lorikeet, Eastern Rosella/Pale-headed Rosella hybrid, Restless Flycatcher, Spiny-cheeked Hone
Gwydir River, Bingara
Heard 1 Little Lorikeet, pair of Eastern Rosellas, male was hybrid Eastern/Pale-headed (see photo), One Restless Flycatcher heard calling, 2+ Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters in fruiting Pepper Tree. White-plumed Honeyeaters, Masked Lapwings and Galahs also present.
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
Turquoise Parrot, Little Lorikeet, Painted Button-quail, Yellow-tufted Honeyeater
Warialda National Park, Adams Scrub, S of Warialda (no public access)
2 Turquoise Parrots flew to trees from ground, 2+ Little Lorikeets heard calling, 3 Painted Button-quail flushed from ground, 2+ Yellow-tufted Honeyeaters in eucalypts. One Grey-crowned babbler flew from Adams Scrub Road near NP.
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
Pale-headed Rosella
Adams Scrub Road, S of Gwydir Highway,W of Delungra
Two birds flew over road and landed in eucalypt.
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
Barn Owl
Boyters Lane, Jerseyville
A short visit to the treeline corridors planted near the Boyters Lane Bird Hide around 3:30 p.m.
Barn Owl Good views from as close as 5 metres when flushed 3 times, all in full sunlight. Almost pure white below and light grey above, with distinctive facial marks as it flew straight towards me then overhead. The bird "exploded" from a tree as I walked past, and flew into another, but must have moved because it flushed a second time from another location, again surprising me.
Roger Giller
Black Kite
Council Waste Site Lismore
Numbers of Black Kite appear to continue to rise in the Northern Rivers. Now min. 200 at council tip in Wyrallah Rd, Lismore. Gives new meaning to "Indian summer" (the weather has been good too!)
Hans Wohlmuth
Masked Owl
Wyong State Forest, Wyong Creek
Pair heard calling near Kidmans Lane, Wyong Creek and the observer is familiar with the species.
Wendy Gleen
Eastern Barn Owl
Penrith Lakes and Regatta Center
Eastern Barn Owl heard screeching at 19:20hrs this evening near the Gate A entrance.
Ákos Lumnitzer and his three mutts
Grey Goshawk (white morph), Nankeen Night-heron
Warriewood Wetlands
Main pond. Early 0630 start. Also Red-browed Finches, Spotted Pardalotes, Red-whiskered Bulbuls. 0600 hrs at the end of Irrawong. Plenty of Scarlet, White-cheeked & Yellow-faced Honeyeaters.
Mike Barrow
Jacky Winter
Western Sydney Parklands, Quakers Hill
After an absence of four years it was great to see a pair of Jacky Winters have returned to the paddocks in the northernmost section of the parklands.
Mark Fuller, Jim Dixon and John DeHeume
Wed 8 May
Spotted Harrier, White-headed Pigeon, Satin Bowerbird, Blue-face Honeyeater
Yengo National Park (Big Yengo Homestead)
White-headed Pigeon and Satin Bowerbird were seen around a rainforest gully and Spotted Harrier was seen over the grassy paddock and ridge-line at the homestead. I have previously observed Little Lorikeets in Yengo NP. Surprising bird highlights for the area!
Amanda Lilleyman
Little Eagle, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Whistling Kite
New England Highway S of Deepwater
Two Whistling Kites attacking one Little Eagle high above paddock. Juvenile-immature Wedge-tailed Eagle in flight lower down.
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
Sacred Kingfisher, Nankeen Night-heron
Meadowbank Park Sydney
Three Sacred Kingfishers & one Nankeen Night-heron feeding in the mangroves along the Parramatta river.
michael ronan
Pink-eared Duck, Hoary-headed Grebe
Belmore River Swamp, Seale Road, East Kempsey
A brief visit to Seale Road revealed 127 Pink-eared Ducks. Other highlights were Hoary-headed Grebes, Australasian Shoveler, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Brown Goshawk, three Swamp Harriers and 100's Grey Teal, Pacific Black Duck and Pied Stilts. Only part of the swamp is visible from the road so there would be large numbers of additional waterbirds present.
Tim Morris
Tue 7 May
Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Spotted Quail-thrush
Blue Nobby, Oxley Wild Rivers National Park, SSE of Armidale (no public access)
Two Cockatoos flew from fruiting Black She-oak Allocasuarina littoralis. Two Quail-thrush flew from track.
Greg Clancy, Warren Martin
White-backed Swallow
20 km SE of Maules Creek
4 White-backed Swallows were seen hawking for insects above the (dry) bed of Maules Creek (the creek), about 20 km SE of Maules Creek (the village of the same name) around 8 am.
Michael Dahlem, Ros Druce
Great Crested Grebe, Singing Honeyeater
Split Rock Dam (between Barraba and Manilla)
A single Great Crested Grebe, still in breeding plumage, was found resting at Split Rock Dam, in amongst many other aquatic birds. Also two Singing Honeyeaters.
Michael Dahlem, Ros Druce
White-winged Chough, Spotted Harrier, Hoary-headed Grebe
Sydney Olympic Park
We dropped over to SOP in the late morning and found the 3 reported White-winged Choughs at Newington Armoury from outside the locked fence along Holker St. They then flew to a carpark adjacent to Silverwater jail and were very tame foraging in mulched gardens. A Spotted Harrier was flying along the Parramatta River on the Ryde side. Then 2 Spotted Harriers at Woo-la-ra hill (an adult and a moulting sub-adult) were quartering, talon grappling and sitting on the ground. A pair of Crested Shrike-Tits were in the she-oaks along Louise Savage Walkway. A Hoary-headed Grebe and an Australian Spotted Crake were visible from Haslam's Pier.
David James and Dion Hobcroft
Swift Parrot
Meadowbank TAFE grounds, Rhodes St
Six Swift Parrots were feeding among a flock of Musk Lorikeets on flowering Swamp Mahagony trees growing on TAFE grounds. They are back again. For last 7 years I observed them stopping at this site for few days in May before going north. There is only seven small Swamp Mahagony gums and a few flowering ironbark gums growing there.
Ted Wnorowski
Common Bronzewing, Nankeen Night-heron
Plumpton Park
Drawn to the call of Noisy Miners, I found a large group had what appeared to be an injured bird pinned down. I was amazed to see a Common Bronzewing which flew off and seemed OK. They later alerted me to a Nankeen Night-heron trying to roost quietly in a tree. (Moderator's note (NH): Looks like a defence posture against the harassing Noisy Miners to me)
Mark Fuller
Mon 6 May
Eastern Barn Owl
An Eastern Barn Owl, roosting in garden on Birchgrove Rd, mobbed by Pied Currawongs and forced to fly off towards Yurulbin/Long Nose Pt.
Hazel Barker (reported to Robert Griffin)
Noisy Pitta
Point Clare
There's a good walking path at Point Clare, with some remnant forest on one side, and water on the other. The Noisy Pitta was on the path about three metres in front of me, and after about three minutes hopping about it disappeared into the thick bush.
louise evans
Superb Parrot
Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga
12+ Superb Parrot are currently resident at the Wagga Wagga campus of Charles Sturt University - regularly seen along the Walla Walk (and calling outside my office window).
(Note from Moderator, please contact AKM as your email address is incorrect)
TIm Dolby
Black Kite (70)
Approx. 70 Black Kites circling just outside Cowra on the Young road. A few Whistling Kites also flying amongst them.
Peter Ball, reported via Carol Probets
Black Kite
Woy Woy tip, Central Coast
Three Kites flying over the tip.
Tim and Liz Faulkner
Black Kite, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Collared Sparrowhawk
Coutts Crossing Village
Single Black Kite circling low over village @ 1145 hrs moved off to east. Adult Wedge-tailed Eagle gliding W at 1210 hrs. Adult Collared Sparrowhawk perched on dead branches of eucalypt with Grey Butcherbird nearby in village yesterday afternoon.
Greg Clancy
Spotted Harrier
147 Levenstrath Rd. Levenstrath. nr Grafton.
12.10pm. A single bird working low over grassland and along gully.
Warren Thompson
Spotted Harrier
Armidale Rd.South Grafton.
11.20am. Over grassland near the entrance to Waste Disposal site.
Warren Thompson
Blue-faced Honeyeater, Spangled Drongo, Grey Goshawk
Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside
Four Blue-faced Honeyeater, Grey Goshawk and two Spangled Drongo (near the Centre) this morning.
Ted Wnorowski
Sun 5 May
Black-necked Stork, Nankeen Night Heron, Swamp Harrier
Hunter Wetlands Centre, Newcastle
A pair of BNS was the highlight of a walk through the Wetlands Centre. Black-necked Storks actually within the
Wetland centre are very rare!
Amanda Lilleyman and Bret Stewart
Nemingha, Tamworth
A flock of approx. 50 individuals seen flying along Back Kootingal Road, heading toward Kootingal. Alighted in a small gum tree so was able to get a good first glimpse of these beauties!
Leah R Tsang
Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Bassian Thrush
Berowra Valley Regional Park (Crosslands Reserve)
Heard and then sighted 2 Glossy Black-Cockatoos flying along Berowra Creek at the northern end of the reserve. Later we were surprised to see 2 Bassian Thrushes on the mown grass adjacent to the mangroves lining the creek.
Cameron Ward, Janette Ward
Black Falcon, Little Eagle, Brown Goshawk & Black Kite
Apex Caravan Pk on Lachlad River, Cowra Rd, Forbes
The CCGBNSW May camp was based at the Apex Caravan park which is located on the timbered banks of the Lachlan River at the edge of town on the Cowra road. This was a great place for birds, particularly raptors. Both a Black Falcon and a Little Eagle were seen to harass returning flcoks of galahs, the Goshawks were courting, Black and Whistling Kites regularly passed over the camp, Brown Treecreepers, and Grey-crowned Babblers were present in the River Red Gums and Yellow Box trees around the Camp, as well as Little Friabirds and lone Olive-backed Oriole & Restless Flycatcher, Southern Boobooks called at night, and Nankeen Kestrels and Black-shoulderded Kites were in the adjoining paddocks.
Alan Morris & 9 members CCGBNSW
Turquoise Parrot, Speckled Warbler, Red-capped Robin, Hobby
Glen Echo Trail Junction, Nangar NP Eugowra
At the junction of the Glen Echo Trail and the Nangar NP access road in from the Eugowra -Orange Road (the Escort Way) within Nangar NP, a pair and then 3 Turquoise Parrots were flushed from the ground in box woodland. In this area there were also 4 Brown Treecreepers, 4 Speckled Warblers, 6 Red-capped Robins, Southern Whiteface, Jacky Winter, Yellow-faced & White-eared Honeyeaters, 3 Golden Whistlers, 2 Common Bronzewings and a Wedge-tailed Eagle and great views of a Hobby
Alan Morris & 9 members CCGBNSW
Eastern Osprey
Bridge over the Lane Cove River , Lane Cove
Gavin Pilz
Spotted Harrier
Muttonbird Island, Coffs Harbour
A Spotted Harrier was seen flying low all over the small island for about 15 minutes before flying off over the ocean/beach to the next piece of land. This is one of the most odd habitats to find a Spotted Harrier in. Other raptors included an Osprey and a Brahminy Kite. 2 Australasian Pipits were seen on the rockshelf of the island. 33 species were recorded on the island and the marina. List No. 178162 is online if anyone is interested in viewing it.
Curtis Hayne
Freckled Duck, Australian Shelduck
Edgells Lane Wetland, Bathurst
Four Freckled Ducks with one female Australian Shelduck, Australasian Shoveler, Pink-eared Duck, Hardhead, Grey Teal, Australian Wood Duck (aka Maned Duck), 2 Australian Pelicans and 2 Black Swans.
Mike Fleming and Anne Kerle
Sat 4 May
Red-necked Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, Grey Teal
Lake Cowal North, south-west of Forbes
A visit was made to the northern section of Lake Cowal, by members of the CCGBNSW, accessed from the Burcher-Forbes rd that crosses the Lake but the road is closed as the water is over the road. From this road we saw about 2000 Red-necked Avocet, 1500 Black-winged Stilt, 20,000+ Grey Teal, 100s of Pelicans in the deeper water, many Red-kneed and Black-fronted Dotterel and about 20 Silver Gulls. The Lake is fast drying up and the water is very shallow.
Alan Morris and 9 other members CCGBNSW
Black-necked Stork
Grafton area (4km north)
A single adult Black-necked Stork on a pond on the left side of Pacific Hwy, going north from Grafton (approx 4 km north)
Alex and Ted Wnorowski
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Bundanoon township
A single Yellow-billed Spoonbill flying over town late afternoon. YBSs are rarely seen in the Southern Highlands - this is only my second record. Species 152 for Bundanoon.
Lorne Johnson
Brown Falcon
Harparary, 40 klms South of Narrabri, 2390 NSW
A single Brown Falcon was observed on over-head power lines, on this private property. (Moderator's note (NH): Although Brown Falcons are not unusual in the area, I decided to post this for ID Brown vs. Black Falcon. This bird was initially reported as a possible Black Falcon. Except for the squarish tail (which is often hard to judge on a single photo anyway), all field marks speak for Brown Falcon: overall stance, double tear drop marks on cheeks, barring of tail (perched), pale spots on the upperwing and tail (flying)).
Roselyn Druce
Fri 3 May
Speckled Warbler, Grey-crowned Babbler, Restless Flycatcher
Back Yamma SF, Forbes
At a site in the souther-west corner in Back Yamma SF there were many Red-capped Robins, 3+ Grey-crowned Babbler, 1 Rufous Whistler, 3 Golden Whistler, 3 Speckled Warbler, Southern Whiteface, 1 Restless Flycatcher, many Brown Treecreepers, Jacky winter, Striped Honeyeater, Eastern Yellow Robin, Inland, Yellow & Yellow-rumped Thornbills, and a Wedge-tailed Eagle.
Alan Morris & 9 members CCGBNSW
Freckled Duck, Blue-billed Duck, Little Friarbird
Gum Swamp Forbes
45 species seen in 60 minutes. Highlights were 4 Freckeld Ducks and a Blue-billed Duck adjacent to the hide, many Pinkear and Grey Teal and a few Shoveler. The waterlevel was too high to readily see crakes but there were some Red-kneed Dotterels. Little Friarbirds and Striped Honeyeaters were seen and heard well! 2 Sea-eagles and 2 Black-shouldered Kites and 4 Whistling Kites were easy to see. Good numbers of Little and Hoary-headed Grebes, but only 4 Yellow-billed and 1 Royal Spoonbill! A Peregrine Falcon was seen to strike a Feral Pigeon which fell into the water
Alan Morris & 9 members of CCGBNSW
Ground Cuckoo-shrike, Hobby, Grey-crowned Babbler
Carragatel Overflow, Bundaburra Lagoon, Newell H'way, 8 km SW Forbes
A pair of Ground Cuckoo-shrikes were observed to mob an Australian Hobby perched at the top of a dead tree near this billabong, eventually forcing the Hobby to move to another tree 300m away! Other birds present were 2 Cockatiel, 2 Brown Treecreepers, 8 Red-kneed Dotterels, 6 Grey-crowned Babbler, a Nankeen Kestrel, a Whistling Kite and a number of Red-rumped Parrots
Alan Morris, Allan Benson & members CCGBNSW
Thu 2 May
Swift Parrot
Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo NSW
Five Swift Parrots observed feeding noisily in non-flowering eucalypt
Andrew Bishop
Tue 30 Apr
Beach Thick-knee
Hastings Point
A pair of Beach Thick-knees at daytime roost west of the bridge.
Rob Morrow
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