Sun 28 Apr
Hooded Plover
Lake Victoria (Lonsdale Lakes Reserve)
Hooded Plover (24) Including 4 juveniles
Angus Hartshorn
Sun 28 Apr
Grey Goshawk
Arborline Nursery, Hamilton
Grey Goshawk, white morph, being harassed by magpies
Samantha Greiner
Sun 28 Apr
Freckled Duck, Pink-eared Duck, Black Falcon
Serendip Sanctuary, Lara
Freckled Duck (12) At least 12 Freckled Ducks seen with Pink-eared Ducks on the North Arm
Pink-eared Duck (50) Approximately 50 Pink-eared Ducks seen with Freckled Ducks on the North Arm
Black Falcon (1) First Black Falcon we've seen at Serendip for almost two years
Paul Dodd & Ruth Woodrow
Noisy Friarbird
Little River Township
Honeyeater alarm calls alerted us to a huge commotion which turned out to be a Noisy Friarbird being chased aggressively by White-plumed Honeyeaters and Red Wattlebirds, in trees next to Little River Motors. Continues a bit of a spate of records of this species south-west of Melbourne lately.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling, Hooded Plover.
Reef Point - Belfast Coastal Reserve.
Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling, Hooded Plover, Red-necked Stint & Caspian Tern the highlights of this mornings visit to this site. Care required due to a heavy South-West swell.
Keith & Judy Humphreys
Arctic Jaeger
Mouth of Kororoit Ck
Singe bird perched on rocks, seen during bird survey organised by Friends of Williamstown Wetlands
Dave Torr and friends group
Little Corella
Crn Alexander Ave & Swan Street bridge, Sth Yarra
A flock of at least 150 Little Corella's feeding next to the Tan Track under an oak tree and about 40 in the plane trees along the Yarra next to the Swan St bridge, they seemed to be feeding on the seeds.
First time I've seen so many in the inner city.
Liz Hackett
Australian Shelduck and Australian Spotted Crake
Lakewood Reserve Knoxfield
A shelduck pair loafing, then swimming on the lake. Not seen at Lakewood since May 1995. The now regular spotted crake working the lake edge.
Tony Bushell
Sat 27 Apr
Scarlet Robin
Bulleen Park
Fantastic views of male perched on cricket nets near back of park. Then proceeded to fly up into trees. Of course, no camera! First time I have seen one in the area.
Owen Lishmund
Australasian Bittern
Jacana Wetlands
A single bird flew over the wetlands after being flushed from the reeds.
Nick Talbot
Fri 26 Apr
Black Kite
More than 120 Black Kites standing in a single paddock just outside Dookie, plus several dozen more in the sky (Moderator's note: large numbers of Black Kites have been present in Dookie for several weeks attracted by stubble fires and burnt paddocks, MR).
Heather Saunders
Freckled Duck
Serendip Sanctuary, Lara
2 birds seen on the main lake at app. 3.30pm. Appeared to be a pair, one had some color on the bill. Birds were perched on log in the middle of the lake when first observed, later swam off with coots.
Paul Hackett
Noisy Firarbird
Galvin St, Altona
Heard and then seen in my front yard about 9.15am. This is the first friarbird I've seen in Melbourne, never heard of one in Altona although there are occasional records in neighbouring suburbs.
Click on the link for recording.
Peter Shute
Thu 25 Apr
Black Falcon
Gnarwarre Rd, Gnarwarre.
Treated to the sight of 4 Black Falcons flying about and chasing in strong NW wind rising over rocky outcrop to S of road. Amazing! 3 Brown Falcons in the vicinity gave great opportunities for comparison! Also Nankeen Kestrel and nearby 2 Whistling Kites, 1 of which was mobbed and harassed by 8 Magpies!!! Then 500 m further down road, to E, another Black Falcon casually flapped and glided across the road from the N.
Craig Morley, David Tytherleigh.
Noisy Friarbird, Black Falcon
Leigh River (just upstream of Barwon River junction), Inverleigh
A single Noisy Friarbird (vagrant to Geelong region) feeding in and calling from eucalypts including one with many white flowers. When the friarbird flew it was chased by several Red Wattlebirds and at least 1 Magpie. Also later and a little further downstream 2 Black Falcons provided wonderful views as they glided and soared low overhead, including 1 in brief power dive! Highlights from Geelong Field Naturalists Bird Group Excursion. Photos by David Tytherleigh.
GFNC Bird Group Excursion per Craig Morley
Pacific Black Duck (Leucistic), Australiasian Shoveler, Red-necked Avocet, Latham's Snipe
Lilydale Treatment Plant
Seen with a small flock of Pacfic Black Ducks, a dozen Australasian Shoveler, 200 Pink-eared ducks, 100 Grey and Chestnut Teal and 20 Hardhead. Also BW Stilts, Red-necked Avocets, and Red-kneed Dotterels. Three Lathams Snipe flushed along fence line outside the eastern perimeter.(Moderator's note: Quite a late record for Latham's Snipe. Also of note there was a leucistic Black Duck present around Chiltern for a while a few years ago that looked very similar to this bird, MR).
Andrew Wallis
Freckled Duck
Winton Wetlands (Duck Pond)
3 Freckled Duck with several hundred Grey Teal small numbers of Pink-eared Duck, Shoveler, Hardhead and Shelduck.
Andrew Corrick
Regent Honeyeater, Rose Robin, White-backed Swallow, Swift Parrot
Chiltern-Mount Pilot National Park (Greenhill Dam)
2013 Captive released Regent Honeyeaters coming into the dam in the afternoon. Male Rose Robin at dam, (pair seen last week). 2 White-backed Swallows flying high overhead. The odd Swift Parrot amongst the blossom in the block SW of the dam, and a pair of Painted Button-quail flushed in the same block closer to Magenta Mine.
Aaron Sandford
Sacred Kingfisher
Cannons Creek
Saw a bird from distance on Watsons Point Jetty, surprised to find through my telephoto lens it was a Sacred Kingfisher still in the area. I have seen nesting about 1 km away a couple of years ago. Could the population be resident or do they just stay in that vicinity later than others? (Moderator's note: most Sacred Kingfishers have probably departed the state by now but a few, especially immature birds can overwinter, usually in the north of the state, MR).
James Peake
Little Egret
Elster Creek
Pretty nice to see Egret in Elwood Canal near New St bridge.
Debbie Lustig
Regent Honeyeater
Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park
After searching extensively all day for the recently released Regent Honeyeaters, finally rewarded with finding one captive release bird near the carpark at Magenta Mines at 1.30 pm. A very exciting experience to see this wonderful HE in its natural environment.
Bernie O'Keefe
Black Falcon, Spotted Harrier, Blue-winged Parrot
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Good day for raptors at the Farm, with 9 species seen. Lots of the commoner raptors everywhere, Black Kites and 2 Black Falcons and others attracted to a still smoking stubble fire before Austin Rd. Spotted Harrier at the T-section and Western Lagoons. 6 Blue-winged Parrots on Austin Rd. 31 Red-kneed Dotterels counted at several locations.
Gil Langfield
Rose Robin
The Grange Reserve
Rose Robin Female. First sighted through leaves sitting on a branch, it then flew to the top of a dead tree where I had pretty good views. Eliminated Flame & Scarlet Robin as I see them daily. Had picked up on the drooped wings when it flew down to just above eye level about 15 yards away, here I got excellent views of its breasts - much lighter than the Pink Robin - with a pale rose wash.
David Fleming
Pink Robin
Mullum Mullum Park (Hillcrest Reserve)
Single 'brown bird' seen along creek. An uncommon but semi-regular visitor to this area. Also Gang Gang Cockatoo, White-eared Honeyeater and Brown Goshawk.
Scott Baker
Swift Parrots
Approx 12 swifties feeding in Leaucoxlyn Rosea, this morning
Debbie Worland
White-necked Heron
St Kilda Foreshore
Flew over Beaconsfield Parade and landed for a few minutes on the small drain that enters the foreshore next to Pier Road. Flew off to the north soon after.
Sean Dooley
Wed 24 Apr
Magpie Geese
Merri River ,Warrnambool
Three flocks of Magpie Geese, each of around 25 birds grazing along the Merri River wetland areas on outskirts of Warrnambool.
Rod Corinaldi
Spotted Nightjar
Clarkes Road, Joyces Creek
Adult found dead (in good condition) on road surface late this afternoon. An intruiging record - a probable Spotted Nightjar was sighted in box-ironbark woodland on private property near Strangways two weeks ago.
Geoff Park
Double-banded Plover
Winton Wetlands
Double-banded Plover (6) Good photos. Bit larger than Red-capped plover. Non breeding colours of course. With Red-capped Plover and Red-necked stints on mudflats down from main visitor area (An excellent record, first known from NE Victoria, MR).
Linda Hayes
Pink Robin
Sheedy Road, Gisborne
Out for a bike ride (no binoculars!) and a single female flew out of a tree to my left and across the road in front of me. The bright sunshine made the wing bar look very yellow. It called a couple of times and was responded to but I didn't manage to see the other bird. After four years in Queensland this is my first sighting of a Robin since returning to Victoria in October last year.
Peter Houston
Freckled Duck, Pink-eared Duck
Jells Park
Five Freckled Duck on same log as reported a week ago, near the island in the south-east corner of the lake. Also a single Pink-eared Duck which I have only seen at Jells Park once previously.
Bruce Wedderburn
Tue 23 Apr
Freckled Duck
Swan Lake Phillip Island
16 birds resting on lake shoreline ,aprox 30 m from northern bird hide.
Ken Dredge & Denise Jackson.
Swift Parrot
Yellow Gum Estate ( Ocean Grove)
An update on my report yesterday. After returning to the Estate this morning and again this evening,i am pleased to report that at this point there are upwards of 100 Swifties. ( Fantastic)!!
Denis Sleep
Black Falcon, Spotted Harrier
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Black Falcon on Paradise Rd, Spotted Harrier in Western Lagoons. 2 Brolga at 85 W, 4 also flying over Little River and later at Western Lagoons. Breeding plumage Curlew Sandpipers at Western Lagoons with a Red Knot. Black-tailed Native Hens on Austin Rd. Banded Lapwing back on Beach Rd.
Dave Torr, Christine Shelley, Dana and Karen from USA
Masked Lapwing
Grossard Point. Phillip Island
100 + Masked Lapwings sheltering on the sand in a protected cove.
Ken Dredge & Denise Jackson
Mon 22 Apr
Brolga (12)
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Surprising number of Brolga today with 12 in total. 8 (6a d, 2 juv) at the entrance to The Spit near the Murtcaim Drain, and 4 adults along edge of Borrie Pond 24. Lots of birds on passage with at least 100 Tree Martin amongst the Welcome Swallow flocks, and small parties of both Yellow-faced & White-naped Honeyeater moving through the trees along Pt Wilson Rd and 29 Mile Rd. Two days ago the reed-warblers were cacophonous alongside Lake Borrie, today not one heard anywhere, a single Sharpie is still hanging out with many Red-necked Stint in Western Lagoon Pond 7 and in adjacent Pond 1 there was a flock of at least 650 Pacific Black Duck.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Mon 22 Apr
Swift Parrot
Yellow Gum Estate. Ocean Grove.
40 + Swifties feeding high in Yellow Gums and Tuart this evening.( Never tire of these beautiful birds) !! Note the numbers quoted are conservative!!!
Denis Sleep
Gang-gang Cockatoo
Scotchmans Creek, Mount Waverley
Gang-gang Cockatoo (4) An adult and juvenile male, two others. First record here. Was alerted by squeaky door call as they were moving to a different tree. No other records for Mt Waverley and only one for Glen Waverley on Eremaea.
David Fleming
Sun 21 Apr
Ouyen-Patchewollock Road
15 Malleefowl seen along a 5km stretch of Ouyen-Patchewollock Road around 4.30pm after rain.
Darren Wallace
Song Thrush
Geelong Botanic Gardens, Geelong
Single Song Thrush seen in the ferny area behind the teahouse/cafe. Nothing spectacular but I know they can be hard to pin down for those looking to add to their year list.
Paul Randall (
Swift Parrot
Warby-Ovens National Park (Killawarra Forest)
A pair of Hooded robins in Mattamia Rd approaching park from north. 12+ swift parrots in flowering ironbark with Little Lorikeets and huge numbers friarbirds (Noisy and Little) and honeyeaters along North West Track.
John Newman, Trevor Lumb
Blue-billed Duck
Lake Hamilton, Hamilton
Close views within 5metres.
Ivor Preston
Letter-winged Kite
Hume Highway near Kilmore/Broadford exit
Excellent view of underwing as it swooped.(Moderator's note: the observer has provided an excellent description of the bird as they were stationary at the time stuck in a traffic jam!, It would still be great though to have another observer confirm the sighting as well. The bird was seen over the median strip between the highway lanes, MR).
Christina Cheers
Black Falcon
Hamilton Hwy, Stonehaven
W of Dears Lane. Languidly flapping long shapely pointed wings; longish narrow tail. Wings held flat when gliding. Heading NW across rd.
Craig Morley
Sat 20 Apr
Spotted Harrier, Black Falcon
Bacchus Marsh 10' Cell
All but Little Eagle seen in the afternoon on a round trip from Bacchus Marsh going south to Glenmore Rd then back to town. One hour drive in sunny weather with minimal wind.
Spotted Harrier (1) Adult in town flying very low over Fisken St. Photographed.
Black Falcon (1) Near the cnr. of Bacchus Marsh-Geelong Rd. and Glenmore Rd. Photographed.
Bernie McRitchie
Sat 20 Apr
Malleefowl, Regent Parrot
Hattah-Kulkyne National Park
"Big Day" trip with Sean Fitzgerald to Ouyen and Hattah from Friday evening drive up, early am swagging in roadside mallee and late Saturday trip home after full day in the National Park. Cracking autumn day spent in the mallee.
Malleefowl (1) Single bird, great roadside views scraping and feeding, before walking across the road, elevating its crest feathers and continuing off into the scrub. Location was approx 3km north of Walpeup-Patchewollock rd along Ouyen-Patchewollock Rd. An additional hour was spent along this road with no other M-fowl seen.
Regent Parrot (3) Fly-by along Yerang track
Paul Rose
Sat 20 Apr
Regent Honeyeater, Pink Robin
Greenhill Dam, Chiltern-Mt Pilot NP
1 banded bird plunge bathing in dam 5.30pm, being harassed by smaller honeyeaters. A brown Pink Robin on the dam edge. (Moderator's note: this bird is likely one of the recently relased captive bred birds but the observers are not completely sure of the band combinations to be certain. Other birds besides the captive bred birds could potentially turn up at Chiltern from now on. If you observe any Regent Honeyeaters please take note of the band combinations and pass this information onto the recovery team, MR).
John Newman, Trevor Lumb
Red-browed Finch
East Camberwell
2 presumed non-escapees flying through a small park. Only 2nd or 3rd record in local area in decades.
George Appleby
Mon 15 Apr
King Parrot, Yellow mutation
Garden near the Moe Golf Club
Amazing, yellow with red belly and thighs. Have a poor photo. Watched in trees with other King Parrots. Googled images on Web to confirm species and mutation.
Karen Bays and Denise McKenna
Sun 14 Apr
Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
Surprised to spot a single bird amongst a group of Galahs feeding on the oval of Warneet Reserve. Perhaps the same bird spotted in Tuerong in previous month?
James Peake
Fri 5 Apr
Swift Parrot
A large flock of 27 birds were observed feeding in flowering eucalypts that form part of the'ironbarks' north of McLellan Street. Individual birds and a small flock were noted on our arrival ( 5/4 ) but over the next 5-8 days this number steadily increased until the 13/4 when the largest number were recorded late in the afternoon.
Len and Jacquie Axen