Hi All,
I've started a new
soundcloud group with the aim of showcasing some of the most
amazing, unusual and beautiful bird sounds from around the world.
It would be great to hear from the birding aus community as to what
you think represents Australia's best bird sounds (vocal and
non-vocal). Also, if you have your own recordings, feel free to
submit them to the group. Keep in mind the group is moderated to
maintain the quality and variety of the collection. A short
description describing the species, sound or story would be welcome.
So far, the following Australian species are in the collection:
Superb Lyrebird
Eastern Whipbird
Satin Bowerbird
I know there are many more worthy contenders!
What is your favourite Australian bird sound?
Kind Regards
Marc Anderson
P 0430 072299
E m("wildambience.com","marc");">
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