Are Barn Owls really low in numbers? I would have thought that the main reason
they're not seen that often is because they're nocturnal. I've only seen 3 or 4
myself, but I've never gone looking for them. Was it last year that people were
seeing lots of them around Melbourne?
I've no idea if crows are in unnaturally high numbers either. It's quite
likely, but you'd think only around tips, and that most of the unpopulated
areas are unaffected.
Peter Shute
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of
> Philip Veerman
> Sent: Wednesday, 3 April 2013 11:18 AM
> To: 'Sean Brealey'
> Cc: 'Birding Aus'
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Barn owl being mobbed by crows
> My guess is that Corellas or Australian Wood Ducks also cause
> problems to agriculture (or on golf courses). Maybe that
> explains a difference (the authorities have no trouble
> culling........) Your theory is a likely and widespread problem.
> Philip
> -----Original Message-----From:
> On Behalf Of
> Sean Brealey
> Sent: Tuesday, 2 April 2013 10:43 PM To:
> Cc:
> Birding-Aus;
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Barn owl being mobbed by crows
> Hi All,
> West coast highway this morning, five crows mobbing a Barn
> Owl pretty aggressively in flight...found it quite disturbing
> really...a rarely seen bird (ive only ever seen two)under
> attack and i reckon he would be lucky to survive
> theory is there are too many crows because of human left
> overs and rubbish...the authorities have no trouble culling
> Corellas or Australian wood ducks on golf courses...does
> anyone know if they do counts on crows to determine their
> obvious overpopulation...they raid nests..rob eggs and attack
> fledglings...I would really appreciate any comments or the
> position of birds Australia if there is one...also, there is
> a southern boobook that has been visiting my back lane
> his call nailed and have had two visuals...
> Sean Brealey
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