
Birdline Northern Territory Weekly Update

Subject: Birdline Northern Territory Weekly Update
Date: 11 Mar 2013 01:31:29 +1000

Birdline Northern Territory

Published sightings for the week ending 10 Mar 2013.

Thu 7 Mar Hoary-headed Grebe Leanyer/Sanderson Sewage works
Hoary-headed Grebe (1) Among Aus Grebes showing almost full breeding plumage, located in the northern end of the third pond along from the house.
Gus Daly

Wed 6 Mar Oriental Reed Warbler Fogg Dam wall
In the reeds on right-hand side of dam wall/ 7:30am. Very vocal.
Kirri Hardy

Tue 5 Mar Large-tailed Nightjar Buffalo Creek/Darwin
Hawking around the lights at the boat ramp. Landed in the tree nearby for good views.
Kirri hardy

Fri 1 Mar Black-necked stork (Jabiru) Leanyer Sewerage Works/Darwin
Male and female jabiru flew in and landed amongst the wandering whistling ducks, early 7:00am. Hung around for half an hour or so...
Kirri Hardy

Birdline Northern Territory is hosted by Eremaea Birds.


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