G'day all
Many thanks to those who made suggestions. It seems my Pardalote nest
predator is unlikely to have been a cat. Apart from a fox the most likely
culprit is a Little Raven I think.
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Wendy <> wrote:
> Pardalotes regularly/annually nest in wire mesh compost bins in my
> brother's orchard in Corio, Geelong, Vic. Their nestlings did not manage to
> fully fledge this year. John found the last body nearby. While not certain,
> Currawongs were the suspected predators.
> While not quite the same, I annually and significantly contribute to a
> brood of Little Ravens. A pair has nested about a block from my home for
> years and I always have a considerable drop-off in eggs (and lots of shells
> on the roof) when nesting is on. They may even steal them from under the
> hens as I occasionally hear quite a ruckus from the chook yard accompanied
> by crow calls. This year they appear to have raised 3 young. Rudely, the
> young ones, rather than moving on to feed on the abundant supply of flung
> Maccas, KFC, souvlakis etc etc on the streets, regularly turn up to nick
> more eggs!! Even peering from a perch 1m or so above my irate Jack Russell
> valiantly trying to see them off!
> Wendy