
Birdline Victoria Weekly Update

Subject: Birdline Victoria Weekly Update
Date: 14 Jan 2013 01:31:51 +1000

Birdline Victoria

Published sightings for the week ending 13 Jan 2013.

Sat 12 Jan Brolga Miners Rest
Never seen here before. In our farm paddock,near dam, walked onto dam bank, but walked back down to grass. I was very excited as were the cattle, sadly I didn't have my camera, tried phone but too far away. The paddock is just north of the Miners Rest township, on the west side of the Ballarat-Marybrough Rd. Went home to get my camera, but he was gone by the time I got back.Do hope I see him again.
Rhonda Keller

Pectoral Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Baillon's crake Western Treatment Plant
3 pectoral sandpipers, 1 wood sandpiper and 1 Baillon's crake seen in 2nd & 3rd pond on left, east of Little River ford at between 6.30 - 7.00pm . The pectorals were loosely associated, in stunning plumage, washing and preening,the late sunshine highlighting ochre hues to legs and bill base and classic pectoral chests. Wood sandpiper associated with marsh sandpipers on pond margin.
John Newman, Trevor Lumb

Great Knot, Red Knot,Curlew Sandpiper Rhyll Inlet Phillip Island
Two Great Knots,three Red Knots,Curlew Sandpipers keeping company with forty Bar - tailed Godwits on the last sand bar before high tide.
Derek Whitehead

Square-tailed Kite Yellingbo Nature Reserve,
One Square-tailed Kite seen well flying over the forest by up to 20 observers on a Birdlife Australia Healesville Branch outing.
Chris Doughty and Healesville Birdlife Branch

Thu 10 Jan Spotless Crake Bunyip State Park
Contact calls and song from two birds in reedbeds on creekline at end of Bunyip River Rd. 2 Lewin's Rail also heard in same location.
Steve Davidson

Thu 10 Jan Spotted Harrier Corio Station / Shell Refinery
Spotted Harrier (1) Adult very close to School Road, gliding low over vacant block between Harvey Norman and railway line - about 500m from Corio Station. Kept hunting over same patch of ground for the 5 minutes I was there.
Russell Woodford

Pectoral Sandpiper, Golden Plover Big Marsh Barwon Heads Rd
A perfectly marked Pectoral Sandpiper provided impeccable views on a small remnant of water in the North side of this marsh. Nine Golden Plover were feeding on a patch of nearby wet mud and around Three Hundred evenly mixed Red Necked Stints and Sharp Tailed Sandpipers were also present.
Trevor Lumb

Golden Plover, Curlew Sandpiper Lake Murtnaghurt Bellarine Peninsular
31 Golden Plover were present on this rapidly evaporating wetland this morning. Also100 Curlew Sandpiper [one showing early breeding color on chest] and about 1200 Sharp Tailed Sandpiper and1200 Red Necked Stints.Approximately 1500 ducks which appeared to all be Chestnut Teal occupied the Western part of what was a busy little lake.
Trevor Lumb

Buff-banded Rail, Baillon's Crake, Australian Spotted Crake, Spotless Crake Banyule Flats Reserve
Buff-banded Rail (5) 3 Main swamp, 2 small pond near Banyule Road Baillon's Crake (1) Main swamp Australian Spotted Crake (3) Main swamp Spotless Crake (2) Small pond near Banyule Road
Ross Potter

Wed 9 Jan Spotted Crakes 8, Baillon's Crake 1 Wallenjoe Rd, Epsom
Flooded paddock.
David Mcinnes

Caspain , Crested , Common , Little and Whiskered Terns Werribee River Mouth , Werribee South
All Terns Present on Sandbar opposite Jetties at High Tide. 11 Caspian's 30+ Crested and several Common and Little Terns. Whiskered Terns feeding in river (5)
Colin Mulvogue

Square-tailed Kite Earlston
1 foraging for more than an hour over bushland on private properties.
Doug Robinson

Tue 8 Jan Australian Spotted Crake, Baillon's Crake, Red-kneed Dotterel, Peregrine Falcon Westgate Park
During our regular monthly survey we encountered four occasional visitors to the park; a single Australian Spotted Crake, Baillon's Crake and Peregrine Falcon, and three Red-kneed Dotterels. Other interesting sightings on the day were a single Nankeen Night-Heron, four to five Australian Reed Warblers and at least five Little Grassbirds.
Andrew McCutcheon, Gio Fitzpatrick

Australian Spotted Crake, Song Thrush, Baiillons Crake Banyule Flat
4 Spotted Crakes on main wetland, also 1 Baillons Crake and 2 Buff-banded Rails. A couple of days ago there were 3 Great Egrets and a White-necked Heron in the billabong nearby, and Striated Thornbills feeding young. Other good birds nearby today included a White-throated Treecreeper in Red Gum sapling beside Yarra River and a Song Thrush singing hard from same area.
Richard Loyn

Leaden Flycatcher Bunyip State Park
Leaden Flycatcher (2) Bottom end of Ash-landing Rd. One male calling and being answered by 1 (or 2?) other birds.
Angus Hartshorn

Eastern Koel Belgrave Heights
Calling from Colby Drive area about 6.45am this morning. Could not find bird though it called - from seemingly different directions - for some 30 minutes.
Andrew Williams

Mon 7 Jan Spotless Crake, Black-tailed Native-hen Yan Yean Reservoir Park
A single Spotless Crake seen extraordinarily close on the edge of reeds on the small wetland in the parkland below the Dam wall. Also metres away was a similarly exhibitionist Australian Spotted Crake and several Black-tailed Native-hen.
Sean Dooley

Bassian Thrush Mt. Samaria State Park
Single bird feeding along the track close to the western most path up to the peak. Watched it for about 10 miinutes.
Bill & Jackie Morecraft

Pectoral Sandpiper, White Winged Black Tern Western Treatment Plant
At site North of Walshes lagoon one Pectoral Sandpiper. Also several Australian Crakes one Marsh Sandpiper and one White Winged Black Tern among three hundred Whiskered Terns. Also one Blue Billed Duck at Lake Borrie and Common Tern.
Trevor Lumb

Common Sandpiper Kororoit Creek
Single bird located amongst the shacks near the mouth of the river. Third time out here to find this bird and finally successful.
Bernie O'Keefe

Eastern Bristlebird Croajingalong NP (Howe Flat area)
5 Eastern Bristlebird seen and another heard in coastal Melaleuca sedgelands and Banksia/Xanthorrhoea clearings in open forest. Birds seemed quite unafraid and I was afforded brilliant close views. Also of interest just offshore from the end of Howe Flat track was a loose flock of around 80 Black-faced Cormorant feeding just past the line of breakers.
Steve Davidson

Masked Owl, White-throated Nightjar Watertrust Rd, Mallacoota
Masked Owl heard calling from deep within tall forest along Watertrust Rd at 04.30 this morning. Also heard was a single WT Nightjar and several Aus. Owlet-nightjar. Nice dawn chorus too, Jacky Winter was one of the first birds to sing pre-dawn along with the kookas. Previous evening in same location we had a dark-phase White-bellied Cuckoo-Shrike; this is the third I've seen in widely-spaced locations around Mallacoota; the dark phase seems to predominate here.
Steve Davidson

Australian White Ibis Braeside Park
Australian White Ibis One white Ibis that is completely blue - almost like it has been spray painted - I spoke to the park office and they said they knew of it - but it has them completely stumped - all its 'white' sections are a fluro blue colour
Brett Harman

Sun 6 Jan Powerful Owl, Spotless Crake Banyule Flats Reserve
A beautifully marked large adult Powerful Owl with a freshly killed Ring-tail Possum was seen along the bicycle track near the old windmill. Also seen was a Tawny Frogmouth near the playing fields, a Latham's Snipe on the swamp and a Spotless Crake, an Australian Spotted Crake and two Buff-banded Rail in the muddy pond near Banyule Rd.
Jen Spry & Joy Tansey

Common Sandpiper Kororoit Creek Mouth, Williamstown North
No sign of it at the ford so I headed up for a look around the mouth. Stumbled upon it roosting at high tide amongst the shacks. Fantastic views before it crossed the creek and began feeding in the mangroves.
Jackson Airey

Cicadabird Bunyip State Park
2 Cicadabird - 1 heard on Nichols Hut track, another heard and eventually seen about 200m North on Link Rd. Calling infrequently.
Jackson Airey

Hooded Plover Ventnor Phillip Island
While these threatened birds are not uncommon on the Island seeing six in one spot was fairly unique for us.
Derek & Sally Whitehead

Thu 3 Jan Banded Lapwing Lake Tutchewop
A single flock of 136 Banded Lapwing, 300 Banded Stilt and Orange Chats at Lake Tutchewop. Also 5 Freckled Duck at Lake Murphy, , 1 Gull-billed Tern at Lake Cullen, Cockatiels at Kerang and Appin State Forrest, 20 Budgerigars at Appin State Forestewop and Orange Chats Lake Woorinen. White-browed Woodswallows have successfully bred in their 100's all over the Kerang area and 2 Masked Woodswallows at Appin State Forest.
Chris and Christine Doughty and Kevin and Elaine Miller

Wed 2 Jan Spotless Crake Nerrina Wetlands, Ballarat
Pair observed at close range around cumbungi clumps in a shallow pool. Reddish legs and brown, unmarked upperparts, and finely barred undetail coverts clearly seen.
Matthew Heron

Mon 31 Dec Satin Flycatcher Bunyip State Park
Didn't report this earlier, but I think the recent Leaden Flycatcher report could be the two Satin Flycatchers we observed on Ash Landing Road on New Year's Eve. Not seen Leadens in this area before.
Claire, Ziggy & Eva Wolinski

Birdline Victoria is sponsored by BirdLife Victoria and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.


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