
Birdline South Australia Weekly Update

Subject: Birdline South Australia Weekly Update
Date: 14 Jan 2013 01:31:40 +1000

Birdline South Australia

Published sightings for the week ending 13 Jan 2013.

Sun 13 Jan Latham's Snipe Barrage Road, Goolwa
Headed beck to Goolwa in search of Latham's Snipe and spotted three to the right of the Bird Hide at the location descibed by Chris Steeles on 5 Jan (thanks for the tip Chris). They were disturbed by someone walking their dog and flew towards the Barrage. Half an hour later I flushed three Snipe just upstream of the barrage - assuming the same individuals but can't be cetain. This follows on from two separate Snipe sightings I have had at Laratinga Wetlands in Mount Barker in the last month (photo) and several recent sightings by other folk reported on Birdline in the last week or so. Seems a good season for Snipe spotting?
Martin Stokes

Fri 11 Jan Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Tanunda Sewage Ponds
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (2) A couple of Sharpie's busily feeding along edge of most eastern pond. There is a Common Sandpiper which resides here each season but this is the first time i have found another type of Sandpiper here... in four years of checking this site!
Chris Steeles

Latham's Snipe, Black-tailed Native-hen Adelaide Airport, Lew Street
Black-tailed Native-hen (2) Two emerged from the reeds to bathe in the small patch of water available. Latham's Snipe (1) A surprise sighting. Observed on the opposite bank of the last remaining patch of water just a short walk in from Lew Street. Not a nice setting with all the rubbish and debris that surrounded it!
Richard Hall

Thu 10 Jan Little Egret in breeding plumage Barrage Road, Goolwa
One Little Egret in breeding plumage feeding in shallows just past the Barrage. Also approximately 20 Red-necked Avocets a few hundred metres further on towards Beacon 19.
Martin Stokes

Mon 7 Jan Buff-banded Rail Hallett Cove Conservation Park
Buff-banded Rail (1) One adult bird feeding on exposed muddy shoreline at Waterfall Creek Dam off Lucretia Road, Hallet Cove.
Edward Smith 1688

Mon 7 Jan Barbary Dove Cove Road, Hallet Cove.
While out cycling three Barbary Doves were observed perched on tram powerlines along Cove Rd, Hallet Cove.
Edward Smith

Sun 6 Jan Freckled Duck, Pink-eared Duck Laratinga Wetlands, Mt Barker.
Up to five Freckled Duck were present on the island in the large dam and 42 pink-eared Duck were counted on the settling ponds at the Sewage Treatment Works.
Edward Smith.

Regent Parrots, Striped Honeyeaters, Scarlet-chested Parrots Birds Australia Gluepot Reserve
Fifty + Regent Parrots drinking at Grasswren Tank at dawn. An absolute marvel to witness. Equally exciting were dozens of honeyeaters consisting of a few Striped Honeyeaters, dozens of Brown-headed Honeyeaters and many Yellow-plumed and Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters. Adding to this spectacle were fantastic sightings of a pair of Scarlet-chested Parrots along the Gypsum Lynette Walk
Peter Strauss

Thu 27 Dec Blue-billed Duck Tokuremoar Reserve wetlands, Goolwa
Female/grey bird in paperbark swamp with inundated thickets of paperbark seedlings.
Roger Jaensch

Wed 26 Dec Freckled Duck Tokuremoar Reserve wetlands, Goolwa
At least 37 in backwater of paperbark wooded swamp, western part of reserve.
Roger Jaensch

Birdline South Australia is sponsored by Eremaea Birds and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.


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