Sat 27 Oct
Buller's Shearwater
Mistral Point, Maroubra
A Buller's Shearwater the most interesting sighting during a mid-afternoon seawatch at Maroubra. Otherwise the usuals - a Giant Petrel, Black-browed Albatross (several adults + imms), flocks of Wedge-tailed and Short-tailed Shearwaters, with smaller numbers of Flutterings.
Robert Griffin, Fiona Brook and Ray Gobbe
Black-tailed Native-hen, Bar-tailed Godwit
Long Reef Golf Course
3 Bar-tailed Godwits on the golf course in the big pond and a single bird on the reef. Other birds of note that were seen was a single Latham's Snipe and the Black-tailed Native Hen that was reported recently.
Mark Young
Australian Painted Snipe
Sydney Olympic Park
Seen on "Fishway" - a small creek flowing into Lake Belvedere. Also seen there on 23-10-12. Nearest car park is P10d.
Elisabeth Karplus, Tom Karplus, Philip Brook
Fork tailed Swift, Fan tailed Cuckoo, Diamond Dove, Black winged Stilt
Near Whittaker's Lagoon, Moree
Soaring high above were a flock of Fork tailed Swifts!!! Masked and White browed Woodswallows were also present. A couple of Fan tailed Cuckoos were heard. The Dollarbirds have arrived to this location. A pair of Black winged Stilts were seen on a small patch of water on a paddock. Several Olive backed Orioles were heard. Brown Quail and Juvenile Wood Ducks were seen at the bank of a waterhole. With the large numbers of Western Gerygones always present, a White throated Gerygone was heard as well as various other Thornbills and Weebill. White winged Trillers were in abundance. Cisticolas were heard. Ravens and Torresian Crows were going off at a Raptor which wasn't seen. A single Diamond Dove was seen at the bank of a river. Masked Lapwings were seen with juveniles as well as Red kneed & Black fronted Dotterels. 3 Black tailed Native Hens were seen and 6 Pink eared Ducks.
Curtis Hayne
Australian pratincole, Banded Lapwing
Lake Goran
4 Australian Pratincole and 20 Banded Lapwing seen today
Robert Hynson
Orient Point NSW
140+ bar-tailed Godwits sheltering form the southerly.North side of Orient Point
Richard Brown
Spotted Harrier (adult and juvenile)
Richmond Lowlands
Both were hunting together this morning near the corner of Cornwallis Rd and Cornwells Lane. It was around 10am and photography was difficult due to heavy heat haze. I've attached an image of the young bird.
Ákos Lumnitzer
Fri 26 Oct
Freckled Duck
Lake Cargelligo STW
50+ Freckled Ducks today on the large pond at the Lake Cargelligo Sewage ponds. Many other birds including Wood Sandpiper, Baillon's and Spotted Crakes, Black-tailed Native-hen and Glossy Ibis.
Nick Leseberg
White-throated Nightjar
Sphinx Memorial Carpark
Bang on 7:41, single White-throated Nightjar circled the carpark low down at a leisurely pace.
Joshua Bergmark, Ashwin Rudder, Nathan Ruser, Simon Gorta
Black Bittern, Nankeen Night Heron
Warriewood Wetlands.
Numerous Nankeen Night Herons seen throughout Warriewood and Irrawong reserves. Single Black Bittern near Katoa Close. No Painted Snipe at the construction site, though did notice a set of footprints of someone who had jumped over the fence into the restricted area...
Joshua Bergmark, Ashwin Rudder
Brolgas (200+), Red necked Avocet, Rainbow Bee Eater, Marsh Sandpiper, Common Bronzewing
Gwydir Wetlands, Moree
Probably the best birdwatching trip ever with at least 110 species.
Highlights were: 200+ Brolgas on a part of a paddock next to a nearly dry wetland, the highest number we've ever seen. Emus with chicks were seen. White winged Trillers and Masked, White browed and Dusky Woodswallows were seen just about everywhere. Black tailed Native Hens and Blue Bonnets were in abundance. White breasted Woodswallows were seen nesting. Only 1 Spotted Harrier and only 1 Tern (for the whole day) which was a Gull billed were seen along the road flying over farmland. A Channel billed Cuckoo and Spotted Bowerbird were heard. 11 Red necked Avocets were seen wading as well as Black winged Stilts everywhere elsewhere. A possible Crimson Chat was seen. Nankeen Night Herons, Pink eared Ducks and Glossy Ibis were seen in great numbers. Black fronted & Red kneed Dotterels were seen as well as many Black Swan cygnets. Intermediate Egrets and Magpie Geese were seen. An Immature White bellied Sea Eagle was seen being attacked by a Whistling Kite. 6+ Rainbow Bee Eaters were seen as well as a pair of Diamond Doves and stacks of various Thornbills and Finches. Grey crowned Babblers and Jacky Winters were seen and Olive backed Orioles heard. Being very uncommon in our area, a Common Bronzewing was seen with Crested Pigeons, and finally a Marsh Sandpiper was seen wading with Stilts.
Curtis Hayne
Soft-plumaged Petrel, Black Petrel, Kermadec Petrel
Offshore Sydney
Highlights of a fantastic private charter pelagic trip today were a Soft-plumaged Petrel, a Black Petrel and a dark morph Kermadec Petrel. The first two species showed well around the boat allowing excellent views and the Kermadec was a fly-by which kept going as they do.Twenty three species for the day was the best count from the Halicat for quite a while and that was without a Crested Tern on the list! Amazingly, we had our second micro-bat in a year out on the shelf - believed to be another White-striped Mastiff Bat.
Roger McGovern and all on the Halicat
Pied Butcherbird
Berowra Heights
1 Adult Pied Butcherbird perched on A dead Eucalypt on the left side of the Pacifc Highway at Berowra Heights south of Cowan
Kurtis Lindsay
Thu 25 Oct
Spotless crake
Colovale nsw
Tiny water bird spotted moving swiftly, alerted to human presence. Several chicks also spotted darting amongst fresh water under growth in the storm water drain. Mother bird was spotted about 1 month prior to this viewing flying low across the dirt road to near by fresh water dam. After checking Graham Pizzey & Frank Knight THE FIELD GUIDE to the BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA book it closely matches the immature spotless crake.
Joanne bidmead
White-browed Woodswallow, White-throated Nightjar, White-throated Needletail
Wahroonga (Gibberagong Track, Ku-ring-gai Chase NP)
40 White-browed Woodswallows were a surprise sighting high over the gorge, but too high and dark to see if Masked WS were present. Up to 3 White-throated Nightjars and an Australian Owlet-Nightjar called from surrounding ridges after dark. Four Needletails low over the heath. Other migrants included Cicadabird, Leaden Flycatcher, Black-faced Monarch & Rufous Whistler. Also a single Rockwarbler, and calling Superb Lyrebirds and Brown Cuckoo-Doves, plus a nice fat Diamond Python.
David James & Dion Hobcroft
Pallid Cuckoos, Lewins's Rail and Buff-banded Rail
Eastlakes Golf Course, Pagewood
Whilst trying to photograph the Pallid Cuckoo which has been present for the last week, another was calling 500m away! Also 4 Latham's Snipe, 1 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, 1 White-winged Triller, 1 Buff-banded Rail and 1 Lewin's Rail.
David Mitford
Black Bittern
Irrawong Reserve - Warriewood
Single bird seen alongside the creek. No sign of the Painted Snipes in the wetlands though.
Mark Young
Wandering whistling-ducks(60) One Rufous Songlark
lower Belmore river rd Kempsey.
Saw arround same number on 23rd oct 2012.wwd,s.
Dorrigo birders per Allen Hamilton.
Banded Lapwings (13); Plumed Whistling Ducks(9)
Outskirts of Bungendore
reported on COG chatline - various observers
Wed 24 Oct
South Street Molong
Single bird present this afternoon. Good to see them returning to our street again this year.
Stephen Gibbs
Black-tailed Native-hen
Long Reef golf corse
Maybe the same bird that was here three years ago.
michael ronan.
Musk Duck (1) Scarlet Honeyeater (1)
Sydney Olympic Park
Single scruffy female Musk Duck was a surprise on lower reach of Haslam's Creek. Scarlet Honeyeater male was new for my local patch list also on Haslam's Creek wetlands. Other good birds included Topknot Pigeon (3), White-winged Triller (2), Glossy Ibis (1), Latham's Snipe (1), Red-kneed Dotterel (1), Peregrine Falcon (1), Golden-headed Cisticola (2). Looks like the Baillon's Crake has fled the scene. 77 species today. Pacific Golden Plover (14) and Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (32) at Waterbird Refuge with Red-necked Avocet (20).
Dion Hobcroft and David James
Painted Snipe
Warriewood Wetlands
Both snipes briefly seen at the crack of dawn this morning. Black-fronted Dotterel and 2 Royal Spoonbills also amongst the many Teals
Mark Young
Tue 23 Oct
Black-chinned honeyeater
Coomba Park (western shore of Wallis Lake)
2 Black-chinned honeyeaters together with several White-naped, Yellow-faced & Scarlet honeyeaters flying in to drink/dip into water in an old rusted 44 gallon drum at forest edge. Have not seen them here on the coast before.
Maret Vesk
Osprey, Black-Fronted Dotterel
Macleay River, Sherwood, Kempsey, NSW
A pair of Black-Fronted Dotterels observed on exposed riverbed west of Sherwood Bridge near Kempsey. Also sighted an Osprey fishing in the same stretch of water being harried by Australian Ravens.
Jared Sikkema
White-throated Nightjar
Sphinx Memorial car park, North Turramurra
Three birds flew repeatedly over car park from 7:40pm (25 minutes after sunset). On several occasions one bird flew immediately behind another (display flight?), with third bird trailing the other two by a much greater distance (approximately 5m). Very frequent laughing advertising call and bill-clapping. See recent comment regarding car park gate being closed prior to sunset.
Mark Hocking
Baillon's Crake
Triangle Pond, Sydney Olympic Park
Single in the papyrus at 2:30pm
Dion Hobcroft
Lady Carington Dve, Royal NP
An immature Logrunner caught my attention with the whirring wings of its short flight at Burunda Brook (opp. Walkers Garden, it's the one just north of the plaque memorial to a firefighter). It continued to hop across the leaf litter and rocks, and then spent quite some time foraging inside the open hollow of a decaying log. Eventually flew further off into the bush with a single "quick" call.
Bruce Roubin
Australian Painted Snipe
Warriewood Wetlands
Following up the recent report, two birds were found on the temporary wetland south of the construction site here: -33.690995,151.294237
Apologies for the poor record shot.
Max Breckenridge
Mon 22 Oct
Spotted Harrier
Penrith Quarries (Private property)
One adult quartering over freshly mown paddock near Gate 12 at 16:00. Very windy conditions. Also had two (perhaps the same one twice) Australina Hobbies rush past me while I was walking my dogs. The Hobby was probably hunting, although quite a precarious activity given the gale force wind and the Hobby's low passes over fields and fences.
Ákos Lumnitzer
Glossy-black Cockatoo
Maraylya, private property
Observed three birds around dusk. One may have been a juvenile bird. I initially noted begging calls that were not familiar. Then when the birds took off they called normally and I had clear views of three parrots. Sexes or ages I cannot be certain of though. Could've been a family.
Ákos Lumnitzer
Kelp Gull
The Entrance, Central Coast
Adult Kelp Gull weathering the southerly on a sandbar inside the channel that leads to Tuggerah Lake. Also 4 Little Terns, 18 Bar-tailed Godwits, 2 Pied Oystercatchers, 4 caspian Terns and lots of Crested terns. 2 Red Knots seen at nearby Norah Head. 5th Central Coast record for a Kelp Gull.
Tim Faulkner and Brad Gabriel
Spotted Harrier, Square-tailed Kite, White-bellied Sea-eagle
Liverpool Offtake Lagoon (UBD246), West Sydney near M7
I had a field trip along the Sydney Water Supply Channel (70km long) and also visited the Liverpool Offtake Lagoon (part of the same private land). The good number of birds of prey along the channel (particularly near lagoon) including 2 Spotted Harriers, 1 Square-tailed Kite, 2 Whistling Kites, one White-bellied Sea-eagle (juv, perching on the dead tree in the lagoon). There were good number of waterfowl in the lagoon including Aust. Shoveler (4), Hardhead (50), Baillon's Crake (1), Australian Spotted Crake (10. There also plenty of Little Grassbird and small flock of Double-barred Finches.
Ted Wnorowski
White-throated Needletail
Jerusalem Creek Central Bundjalung Northern Rivers
45-50 WTNT in loose flock - also 7 Dollarbirds seemingly hawking the same flying insect prey (?). Many Dragon/Damselflies at lower levels.
Bob Moffatt
Topknot Pigeon
Pennant Hills
Flock of about 10 Topknots flying low and rapidly south towards Beecroft, just north of Pennant Hils Park. First time I've seen them in the area, appears to be quite a few sightings around Sydney at present.
Ian Francis
Sun 21 Oct
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo, Brown-headed Honeyeater
Windsor Downs Nature Reserve
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo
Brown-headed Honeyeater
James Galea
Spangled Drongo (1)
Acacia Gardens - approx. 6km north of Blacktown CBD
One seen having a brief go at Crested Pigeon and heading west. Quite late for this time of year! Also seen was Peregrine Falcon and Noisy Friarbird.
Edwin Vella
peregrine falcon
palm beach, sydney
bill mackay
White Throated Nightjar
Sphinx Memorial Car Park, Ku-rin-gai Nat Pk
Calls heard in distance approx 7:40 pm (25 mins after sunset). 5 mins later a single bird flew over the car park, circled once, called in flight and then headed off along the ridge top. It called from a distance once or twice more but did not return. (Note - the timing of calls starting and the bird appearing is consistent with my other visits to this site for nightjars - birds call from no earlier that 20 mins after sunset and appear shortly after. If you are planning a visit, sunset time is a critical element of planning. (Also, remember to park outside the gates down to the Sphinx, as they are locked at dusk or earlier.)
Tom Wilson
Gang-gang Cockatoo
Evans lookout road,Blackheath
Saw 6 Gang-gang Cockatoos
Tony & Stephanie Dawe
Sat 20 Oct
Hooded Robin
Limekilns Road, north of Bathurst
Amongst regenerating eucalypts on (private property) south side of the road, a pair of Hooded Robin. Heard the call, then saw female pouncing on prey not far from the fence; male seen half a minute later, perched further back amongst larger trees. Coordinates: 33 17 56S, 149 42 59E.
Tiffany Mason & Robert Porter
Black-faced Monarch, White-browed Woodswallows
Riverstone (private property) - near Blacktown
Omitted from my previous report from Riverstone was a Black-faced Monarch seen and a number of White-browed Woodswallows flying over.
Edwin Vella and Tony Dawe
Fri 19 Oct
Australasian Pipit
Distillery Drive, Pyrmont
Very suprised to see a Pipit at this very inner city location, amongst recent native plantings undertaken for a new apartment development. Have additional photos if needed.
Katie Oxenham
Wed 17 Oct
Peaceful Dove, Noisy Friarbird
Wonboyn 10' Cell
Peaceful Dove (2) A big year for this species here. 1 seen feeding in caravan park. 1 seen in forest (between Wonboyn township and the beach). Several others heard in the same area.
Noisy Friarbird (3) quite early
Angus Hartshorn
Tue 16 Oct
Barking Owl
Bouddi National Park, Central Coast
2 adult Barking Owls with 3 dependent young in Blackbutt forest, Little Beach track, Bouddi National Park.
Mark Hocking