
Southern Emu-wren at Evans Head

To: "Greg Roberts" <>
Subject: Southern Emu-wren at Evans Head
From: Laurie Knight <>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 16:22:41 +1000
G'day Greg,

I remember seeing one along the border fence near Wilsons Peak when I was doing an atlas survey about a decade ago ...
Regards, Laurie.

On 20/10/2012, at 10:24 AM, Greg Roberts wrote:

I had nice views this week of Southern Emu-wren in the heath at Evans Head, in northern NSW. This had been the most northerly site for this species
until it was found several hundred kilometres north at Cooloola in

To my knowledge, despite plenty of suitable habitat, it has not been found anywhere between Evans Head and Cooloola. I'd like to hear from anyone who
thinks otherwise.

Pictures and more on the Evans Head birds here:

Greg Roberts


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